
Canopy course

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I am just a few jumps away from my A license.

I want to go immediately into a canopy control course.

Do most DZ's have these or are there only like a few each year?

I am pushing the envelope on what is a safe wing loading for a new jumper. I plan on renting for a little while before I use my new gear (wont be here for a few weeks anyway). But I also want to take a control course.

So, how much do they usually cost and how many hours is the training?

Also, is there like classroom work and such or is it just show up, pay some money, spend a day with a coach and then go home.'

Id rather get something that is more...formal and extensive.

any info would be appreciate (especiially from AEROHIO and CLEVELAND skydive people)


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There are a few courses that are very formal where you are expected to take notes and the whole deal and these are offered by some of the big names like Team Extreme, Scott Miller, etc. Classes like these can be all day classes or multiday classes and the cost is based on what is included in the classes.

Odds are there is a local jumper that has enough experience to be able to answer the majority of your questions now and will be there to mentor under in the future. Granted the best instructor is not the one that swoops the best, but its the one that understands the concepts of flight and teaching and can pass both of those along to you.

As for Aerohio and Cleveland I know jumpers at both that are capible of getting you started on the right path. Down at SGC I can handle the majority of the very basic stuff that is covered here: http://www.dropzone.com/safety/Canopy_Control/index.shtml I can't help on the swoop stuff but I can help on the very basic things.

Ask around and see who other jumpers are asking about their landings to see who you need to look for as a mentor.

But I know last year Aerohio brought Scott Miller in for a weekend to teach.
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They're having one by Scott Miller this weekend at SkydiveChicago. Call 815.433.0000 for info, or email betsy@para-concepts.
A bit of a drive for you, and if you don't have your A license yet, you may or may not be able to jump (if you completed AFF, probably you can).
I think the course is $185, which includes 5 video'd hop n pops and the classroom portion. Just the classroom portion is $55 or so.
Probably worth the drive.

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***I am pushing the envelope on what is a safe wing loading for a new jumper. I plan on renting for a little while before I use my new gear (wont be here for a few weeks anyway). But I also want to take a control course.

Very cool of you to be looking for a canopy control course so early on. Too bad more people don't do that. As for Scott Miller's camps, I can't speak of him highly enough.

So, what exactly do you mean by pushing the envelope on what is a safe wing loading...?
A canopy control course is a very smart thing, but don't forget that there really isn't any substitute for experience.
Be careful.


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Most major dropzones have at least one PST professional on the premisis who ought to be able to help you. That said, there are plenty of experienced instructors who can assist you at your level. You are at the stage where simply watching "fly like a pro" or even studying the tips in the new SIM would really help.


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Scott Miller does courses at both Aeroheo and Parkman occasionally. During the interim I suggest you call Parkman 1-800-TLC-JUMP and talk with Arron Stokum. He can video you and really help improve your canopy skills. The VR up at Parkman is also good for the newby to learn landing pattern and halp diagnose flaring problems.

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SkydiveRicks is a small family run DZ in Northeast Ohio, almost directly between Parkman and Aerohio. It is a great place to work on canopy skills for a beginning jumper. They fly cessnas and there is a huge landing area with a lot of outs on all sides (if needed.)
You can definitely find some great coaches for canopy control there. The owner (Rick) and 3 or 4 other regular jumpers have won medals the past couple of years at Nationals in accuracy (2 of which competed on the world team) So, it is an accuracy DZ, but in my opinion, that is a great way to begin. Everyone there is down to earth and very helpful and the prices are great. They haven't really held any courses on canopy control, but the one on one work you will receive there is top notch.
That is just my 2 cents on the issue. If you have more questions, check out their website or send an email to Dabase6091@skydivericks.com
Plus, you may just run into Scott Miller out there.

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