
Have you ever done a naked Jump?

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Just curious, I hear it's going to be a new requirement for the "D" ;)

Just more blatant promotion, I promise I'll quit after this weekend...

Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Not naked - but topless yes. I got some girlies to do a topless tracking dive for my man (he was the rabbit). That was fun. Rather exhilarating. It was only chilly on the plane (we did this July 3rd mind you - so it was HOT on the ground). I'd do a naked jump - yes - but it would have to be on a hot day in the summer. I don't like the cold. :)

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I cannot WAIT until my first naked jump. I'm with CrazyIvan for waiting til 100 jumps (in other words definitely before september 30th). I'll have to do it at a different drop zone though, since i'm hearing rumors about being pied????? or something..... I figured i'd be able to get out of it that way..... I figure 100 is the "magic" number for me ;)
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I read your bio...just curious...Where does the 'Big Unit' go during terminal? And does it stay there or flap around causing extreme discomfort? I gotta know before I try this.;)

This little video should answer your question:
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I'll have to do it at a different drop zone though, since i'm hearing rumors about being pied????? or something..... I figured i'd be able to get out of it that way.....

You can't escape pieing. They'll just get you when you next jump there and it will be worse because you tried to avoid it. Take it like a man: announce it's your 100th jump and plan something crazy and stupid. Wear crappy clothes and hava change of clothes.

Remember: If you don't get pied, it means no one likes you....
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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the way i figure.....

a female is willing to do a naked jump, that should be a get out of pieing right there.... i'm just going to be quiet when i get to around 100.................
"Women fake orgasms - men fake whole relationships" – Sharon Stone
"The world is my dropzone" (wise crewdog quote)
"The light dims, until full darkness pierces into the world."-KDM

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I did a bachelor jump (my bachelor party at the dz lasted all weekend.) and I was holding a blowup doll and there were 4 naked gals that joined me. was pretty fun, but not something I would do on a regular basis. (I would on the otherhand jump with naked girls on a regular basis)


this space for rent.

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I remember my first naked jump... it was for a friend of mines 100th and we did a 6 way. I was told by a fellow jumper that whatever i did to make sure that when i dumped to hold onto my most important parts as to avoid something getting trapped by a legstrap[:/] I can still remember to this day the terror that griped me when i threw my pilot chute and realized i was in a perfect arch and everything was still free and easy:D

It was a great experiance and one which i have repeated since.!

"Kiwis, a flightless bird... I think not!"

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In my experience with my one nekkid jump....
Went out straight into headsdown...member flappage was minimal almost non-existent, BUT....when I rolled into an arch, everything tucked between the legs and I had EXTREME flappage...enough to make me go into sort of a belly first fetal postion...knees together and unarched....I couldn't get open fast enough.
Would I do it again?.....Hell Yeah!

Sidenote....One Janurary when it was just above freezing, we had a visiting jumper celebrating his 700th jump. He said every"00" has been naked. He decides to do a naked hop and pop... from 9.5k... and with student gear no less. This guy maybe weighed 170 and was under a 250ish canopy for somewhere around 10 min in freezinig temps.
Crazy I tell ya....thats just CRAZY:S

Huh?!? What cloud?!? Oh that!!! That's just Industrial Haze
Alex M.

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I diid one years ago...what a hoot!

I was 1/2 asleep sitting on the corner of a picnic table early one Saturday morning at Elsinore.

Still waiting for the gallon of coffee I'd slurped on the drive from San Diego to take effect,
when Jan Davis strolled passed me wearing a negligée and 6inch spike high heels...

"Good morning Jim"

As I fell from my perch...laughter was everywhere.

Looking around I saw several other young lovelies dressed the same...

About the time I was trying to remember if in fact I had possibly been killed in a car crash on the way...
and had just arrived in heaven, :o

Jan said to me that they were filming a segment for an upcoming feature video.

"We need four guys to jump with us," she said,
"ya interested?"


"Oh by the way, you have to jump nude" another of the ladies interjected,
"Is that a problem?"

You mean, NUDE?? Like NOTHIN"???
(I was a bit hesitant, see I have really ugly feet!)

They assured me I could wear my shoes...since I was so shy.

Some Tandem pairs loaded the Otter,
then we eight boarded...
the girls in their 'gownless evening straps'
and the guys in gymshorts...

About 10 grand the ladies stand up and in rehearsed unison sing,

"Ohhhh Boysss...It's TIME!"

Gymshorts...'Gone with the Wind'

12 grand...Door open, spotting for jump run...

I never realized how COLD southern California really is!

Gives a whole new meaning to;
'Check all your handles prior to exit' and 'Floaters out'

Cameras ready, we stack the door...
I'm last swooper, looking over my shoulder...

I see one Tandem passenger jammin' his elbow into the other student next to him...


We got our eight way...and some great kiss passes as well!

All landing near the peas to thunderous applause, hoots and whistles, ... wasn't at all embarrassing....

'Till I realized most the catcalls were coming from the bus load of 'blue hairs' that were up on a day trip from Sun City!

The 8 way wasn't used in the "Over The Edge" video produced by Tom Sanders,

But if ya look close during the credits...there's our exit! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I done naked CRW in microlines and have pics to prove it! And I live in Canada....it's got to be warmer
in Fla.
Oh in freefall guys...watch out for rudder effect...you don't want to get in a turn...you can't stop.
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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I'm curious, how is something like this accomplished? Are most DZs cool about something like that, and you fill the load with ur friends and land a bit far off? I voted no, but i'd like to... and I think 100th jump sounds like a fine time:D


We usually ware our shorts or track pants over our gear until jump run...take them off and through them at
the pilot(your pilot may not think this funny).
Then we land a bi-plane on the edge of the packing area....drives the DZO nuts.
Mike Wheadon B-3715,HEMP#1
Higher Expectations for Modern Parachutists.

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I did a naked jump for my 500th. I thought it would feel "weird," but it didn't. It just felt cold. I wanted to do it to see what it felt like, but it doesn't feel much different, so I probably won't do another one...I prefer to stay warm.
There's a thin line between Saturday night and Sunday morning

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