
Have you ever gone low unintentionally?

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I just read a comment that made me think about this subject. I think it happens to a lot of people on at least one jump and I'd like to know if my assumption is correct.
So, if it's happened to you-
how many jumps did you have at the time and did it happen more than once in your skydiving career.

The definition of going low would be, in my opinion, when you look at the altimeter/hear the beeps and think "OH SHIT!!!!".

To me it happened around jump 50, but I was actually still quite high (around 2400' or something). It was the PC hesitation that really sped up my heartbeat- I was open at 1200' which was more than enough for the lesson to sink way deep in.

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Mine was my second camera jump, around my 250th in total. I had a new helmet for my camera, my audible wasn't sat quite right so I didn't hear it and I was so focused on filming that I lost all awareness until I saw someone else look at their altimeter. Was under my main by ~1500.


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About 800th jump, I heard the flat line on my Time-Out. Got engrossed in the jump and tracked my usual length of time. Only once. Never again. Was I scared? That's between me and the person who does my laundry.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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5 of 6 on a six-way open under 1,000' .... broke off at about 2,000'. Pre-Cypres or we may have had a couple of fires. I was in the saddle at 800'. Mass lack of altitude awareness. (Boy those runway letters look big!) We all had 800-1200 jumps.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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I intentionally went low last Sunday.

I was filming an RW jump, and some of the jumpers were recent AFF grads. I knew a few of them weren't very good at tracking.

And... one of them tracked directly underneath me, and deployed - directly underneath me. I then tracked over her deploying canopy, got clear air and pulled myself. My pro-track read 1,200 feet.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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this space for rent.

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The lowest I've ever gone occured a couple of months ago. I was head down when my ProTrack failed. But looking at the horizon I noticed that I was lower than normal, so I got on my belly, tracked, got stable and pulled at about 2200 feet (my normal break off altitude is 4500 feet and pull altitude is 3000 feet). So I didn't go that low. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Pretty much the same as Andy. had one tracking under me, side slipped past his opening canopy, got clear, and pulled. Snatch force sat me up and as I reached for my risers to guide my inflating canopy I saw my altimeter needle drop past 700.

Unstowed my brakes, 90 left, 90 left, flare.
1st and last 412 jump.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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I was just having a discussion about this with a buddy of mine. When recently jumping at my home DZ back in Wisconsin, I was oh so noticing how much greener and how many lakes there are in that beautiful state compared to the desert I jump in in Colorado that at 2 grand I finally noticed things were beginning to get big. I usually begin dumping around 3 grand 99 outta 100 so this was a bit unnerving.

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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Lowest I've found myself semi-unintentionally was during the infamous cypres load at LP, where I pulled around 1200. (I was the highest one open.) Lowest I've gone intentionally on a skydive was to around 1000 feet, during a Nevada state record jump - there was someone above me that I had to clear, and he took it low, too. I had a cypres and I was fortunate that it didn't fire. Lowest I've pulled anywhere was 230 feet on a BASE jump.

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Jump number 14, attempted 6 way (I was part of a two-way base since my RW skills were pretty much absent), only got three others on for a 5 way, waited WAY too long for the sixth guy but he never made it. Never having jumped with 5 other people at once, and having only 14 j's, I was real concerned about tracking into someone or vice versa. Totally lost altitude awareness, chute was over head at 1800. Scared me to death. Landed out and had a nice long walk across the airport back to the DZ to think about my mistake.

-the artist formerly known as sinker

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30-something way last year... Was just about ready to slow down and pull when I noticed someone below me doing the same thing. Kept tracking until I knew I was clear and dumped. Heard the flat line as I was getting line stretch.

ProTrack said I was open at 1100. I was glad I didn't have a Cypres then... and I was very glad that one of the organizers got open around the same altitude - can't yell at me if you did the same thing! ;)

I've been open under 2k but above 1500 numerous times. Hell, we used to pull at 2k...

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I intentionally went low last Sunday.

I was filming an RW jump, and some of the jumpers were recent AFF grads. I knew a few of them weren't very good at tracking.

And... one of them tracked directly underneath me, and deployed - directly underneath me. I then tracked over her deploying canopy, got clear air and pulled myself. My pro-track read 1,200 feet.


When a videographer is is working an RW load, especially with Newtimers..who are doing RW,,,,. YOU need to be moving to the center and getting big,,,just as the group SHOULD be triggering separation... How do you know when??? screw audibles,,, use 'em but don't WAIT for 'em..... You gotta check your altimeter,,,as well as the ground ( I always try to learn exactly where we ARE ,,, over the ground at some point in any skydive.... I usually check twice,,, when the first point builds,, and then when I "feel" like we're a grand or so above seperation altitude,,, Then I start working toward the center,,,,, Looking to monitor seperation as it begins, and ready to deploy,, Now,,,, as soon as I am confident that I am "above" everyone...
So andyman and revjim too....they were not under YOU,,,so much as you were over THEM.....
sure ,,,avoid any and all collisions,,, but if you are the camera...you need to pull earlier...watch for the good trackers,,, and move quickly to the area they just vacated...... then the weaker trackers become less of a consideration,, (providing they don't "track without turning 180 first" ) ( in which case they didn't belong on the 5 way) :S
But you are right to be tuned in to the experience level of the people you are videoing....all skydives are not the same... Intermediate jumpers sometimes do not see the people they are doing RW with,,, let alone the camera person:P:)
Now if you are videoing from below the formation,,, you may want to do that up higher,,, so you can get back above the dive as deloyment time approaches,,,,
...... Have I ever gone low,?,, well back in the days pre -cypress... once in a while we would "Hum one"
if it was a "low ceiling exit" or something....But I got smarter,,, as time has gone by.... I like this sport way too much to do something dumb....like that. NOW I like to get my freefall time ABOVE 3,000ft. agl...;)

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1300 ft
If people have their picture taken they:
1. Don't come down to your level as promissed
2. Don't pull at the agreed-upon altitude

If you are the one taking the pictures... :$

O, well - lesson learned... B|

"Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci
A thousand words...

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