
your card for the jumper killed at the wffc (his family )

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Like most other people here, I never met Pops... but reading all these threads about him and seeing the emotion people pour out in their posts makes me a little bit teary eyed, almost in a good way, because it gives me an even greater respect for the beauty of this sport and its participants. He sounds like a great man.

Blue Skies Pops.

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Words aren't enough at a time like this. As hard as I try, nothing I can think of expresses the loss of this man. He was truly one of a kind, and an inspiration to many people, and not just skydivers. Pops and David were in my water training class for our B license requirement. It was a really small class, and we had such a great time. There wasn't a time at the DZ that I saw Pops and he didn't give me a big bear hug. I will always remember him as smiling, giving, caring, and a truly joyful human being. The world has lost a wonderful person. He was a rare individual and I will never forget him, and I will never stop missing his smile. We love you, Pops. Blue Skies Forever.

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I was lucky enough to have meet Pop's and jump with him as often as I could at the WFFC. He will be missed by all his family and friends. Blue skies Pops.

Mary SantAngelo
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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Since signing this card, I have wanted to say something more than just, good-bye, BS, later, etc.

Having served with the 2nd Armored Division, I became immersed in its history and felt the following quote more appropriate:

"It is wrong to mourn the soldiers who die during war. Rather, we should thank God that such men lived."

--General George S. Patton

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