
state records in general

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In general? There isn't much of a formal place to register them. What happens is this, for a particular state, there is a number of jumpers who are invited to get on these things repeatedly. Therefore, each state has a core group who knows the numbers.

Also, there is a variety of records - single-point, sequential, POPS, headdown, womens, and a different record for types of formations. Stars, jewels, etc.

Usually, there isn't that many dzs in a particular state that could host a record, so there is a central spot for it.

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Can it be considered a state record if participants were from all over the world ?;)

I know that this wasn't a serious question because of the ;) after it, but it is kind of funny when I think of it.

My friends and I travel to do state records when we get the chance. I just returned from the Georgia record attempt. Only 36 showed up, so we didn't get more than the required 66. Did some 2 and 3 point jumps anyway.

Anyway, it is funny that people from other states will be on a state record. There probably should be some kind of rule, but I look at it as a chance to do big-ways and visit with friends. B|

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The first 100-way was done in Muskogee, OK back in the 80's, if I recall correctly.B|

I believe it is still the current state record.

It just took TX a couple of decades to catch up and better it.>:(
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The first 100-way was done in Muskogee, OK back in the 80's, if I recall correctly.B|

I believe it is still the current state record.

It just took TX a couple of decades to catch up and better it.>:(

Right on, Texas is now all the way up to 48% of the Illinois record.

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Florida holds the two point 120 way record. Which by the way I was on, and I'm not from Florida. Note: that's two points;)

I belive the Calif. record is 135 set by JFTC, again, on that one, and I'm not from Calif.

I think state records are for the fun of it, getting together to see old friends.
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Florida holds the two point 120 way record. Which by the way I was on, and I'm not from Florida. Note: that's two points;)

I belive the Calif. record is 135 set by JFTC, again, on that one, and I'm not from Calif.

I think state records are for the fun of it, getting together to see old friends.

John and I were both on the Florida 2-pt 120-way, hence the little ;) after my post. I was teasing him. B|

I love to get together for the record stuff for the same reason. I get to see people more than twice a year. Still, doesn't it seem odd when state records are set by people from other states? The 120-way was definitely diverse. People from a lot of countries. I learned a lot that week.

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