
What's an average waiting time for a new rig?

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I been waiting 8 weeks and was just told that my rig will take another 3 weeks to complete, is this pretty normal?, This is 3 entire months 1/4 of a year to build a backpack with some pieces on it...

I can't think of any other sport in which it takes this long, why does it take so long?, don't get it at all...

Sheesh, you can get a custom car faster then this>:(

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If you buy from their stock, its far faster.

Currently 8 - 10 weeks for a custom new Vector 3
Currently about 9 weeks for custom new Sabre2

I guess these figures change depending on how busy they are. Especially RWS and Sunpath with Military contracts.

I still have about 5 weeks to go for my new stuff:(

I cant see doing the new gear thing too many times
in my life so I ordered all custom stuff. I KNOW if I didnt
that I'd wish I had.

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Because they've had an incredibly large influx of orders this summer, and all of a sudden it's popular to have an Infinity.

Realize that they hand make every one in a shop of 4 people, in a loft about the size of a small hangar.

It's still less time than a Jav or Mirage.

I dunno, I guess I'm willing to give them all the time in the world to make something that is ging to save my life on average of 400 times a year.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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I believe for most manufacturer production time varies at different time of the year. They probably just happen to be pretty busy right now...
For example, Bkdice mentioned 9 to 10 weeks for a Wings. I got my Wings 3 months ago and the wait was only 6 weeks. (By the way bkdice, you will love it... the one they made me is really kick ass!!)

"We see the world just the way we are...

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Over the years I've noticed that there are different types of calendars in use.

The ones used by normal people (like you and me) is called the "Gregorian" calendar because it was revised in 1579 by Pope Gregory XIII.

Appearently it never really caught on with a number of manufacturing trades since frequently deliverables are still late by up to 10 days which is fine if they're still on the "Ceasarian" calendar.

HOWEVER, I have noticed that PIA members must use yet another calendar -- perhaps the Mayan calendar based on the cycle of the Pleiadies and only comes 'round once every 26,000 years.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Everytime you call a manufacturer it adds at least two more weeks to the delivery schedule.

Under no circumstances should you ever call the gear store about the delivery schedule . . . that adds at least 3 weeks.

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I can't think of any other sport in which it takes this long, why does it take so long?, don't get it at all...

8 weeks isn't bad.

Sunpath has a current production time of 20+ weeks, Velocity Sports Equipment is about 8-10, RWS is over 12.


backpack with some pieces on it...

Little more complex than that. It's not a tote bag after all. Besides the container and harness, you need to build D-bags, risers, pilot chutes, handles, ect. I've watched a Master Rigger spend 45min-1 hour just to build a freebag. I'm just estimating here but I'd not be suprised it a Harness/Container system was 20-30 man hours of work. A production line can slim that down some, but a production line means there are other orders. Maybe ahead of yours.


this seem to be a standard in the skydiving industry, in most other industries if you get more orders then you can handle you hire more people to meet demand.

Yes but unlike many other industries I don't want my lifesaving peice of built buy some yutz. :ph34r:
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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This is an old story in the skydiving world. I don't like it at all, and I think it is not good for business, as it irritates customers. It seems though that there is little motivation for a manufacturer to fix it if the other manufacturers are pretty much the same. Customers for anything are pretty much the same -- "I want my new toy NOW."

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Because they've had an incredibly large influx of orders this summer, and all of a sudden it's popular to have an Infinity.

That's right BABY!!! Ya'll saw my rig this summer and you just HAD to have one, didn't ya ??

Sorry to hear about that, my fellow sky flyer. I ordered mine in November 2002 and had it in about 4 weeks, IIRC.

I am happy for Kelly and VSE though. It's good that business is starting to take off now. See Kelly... Those "free" logos you put on the side of my rig helped you out with advertising, didn't it ? ;);)

-- Matt

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Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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I saw larry - the master rigger at Perris scratch build a harness (for an existing container) overnight!!!

He built it from reserve risers to order for a film company that were shooting a James Earl Jones commercial (yes I know hes dead) there this easter.

They NEEDED it the next day so paid him tripple time. He stayed up all night and built it to suit. He even managed to fit a new hacky to my pilot chute for me the next day - great guy.

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