
Life Insurance for skydivers

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I need to get about $1M in life insurance for myself (company requirement). Does anyone know of a good insurance company I can use that can handle a skydiving rider? I also SCUBA so I'll need a rider for that as well. I'm afraid that if I can't get insurance coverage while I jump I'm going to have to sell my rig and plant my feet in the ground. :(:(:(

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Are you kidding....Sounds like you need to find a new job! Don't let work restrictions dictate your life. Remember....you work to earn the tickets for the ride. If you aren't going to go on the ride, you don't need any tickets!

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Nope, not kidding. I can't quit because I own the company. I need the insurance to cover loans for the bank. I might be able to get away with normal insurance that will cover me as long as I don't die while skydiving. If that is the case I'll have to leave instructions on my canopy to remove my rig upon impact and place me on the highway or something. I'm working with an agent and I'm trying to get a skydiving and SCUBA rider so I'll be covered no matter what happens. I have 50 employees to look after as well so it isn't as simple as walking away.

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I had to deal with the same thing for my former law partners. There's a real problem with life insurance for skydiving. The actuarial risks are still looking at how skydiving used to be decades ago, not today's reality. Unfortunately, skydivers are such a small market that it doesn't make economic sense to reevaluate the current risks.

What I found that worked was using a traditional life insurance company/policy with an aviation exclusion, and then purchasing accidental death policy/policies that specifically covered skydiving activities. USPA can help you find those.

Hey, don't sell your rig. Skydiving's such an important part of life. There's always a way to figure out or negotiate a solution to business problems, especially as seemingly stupid as insurance.

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http://www.skydivingmagazine.com/ques01.htm#Life Insurance for Skydivers

Q. I'm thinking of diving for the first time next month. This would be a tandem jump, I understand, with an experienced instructor. I have one concern. While I know the chances of anything going dreadfully wrong are slim indeed, I still have a daughter in college. And, well, that weighs on me. My life insurance does not cover such a problem. Is insurance available?

A. Yes, insurance is available. Check with several good agents, or contact Blue Skies Association, telephone (888) 999-5449. The organization has a variety of insurance options to cover risky sports like skydiving.

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