
Recent Book - Jumping Through Clouds

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Chris Needels informed members of the USPA BOD and gallery at the July BOD meeting that a book had been published recently (April 2003) that puts skydiving (and skydiving instruction in particular) in a bad light.

The book is titled "Jumping Through Clouds, Surviving a Son's First-Jump Skydiving Death", by Jane Melborne.

His jump was made at the Massachusetts Sport Parachute Club in 1991, where he miscontrolled his parachute (differently enough from what the instructor on the radio told him), that he landed hard enough to cause injuries from which he later died.

So I ordered this book from Amazon. Note: I suggest that if you are interested in the book, that you _not_ buy it, which would allow Ms. Melbourne to profit from the book. Stay tuned and I think you will hear enough about the book by others that have read it to know all you care to know anyway.

To summarize, Ms. Melbourne was trying to get legislation passed that would regulate skydiving instruction. For some misguided reason she thought that sport skydiving instruction would be made much safer if it were to be more like military instruction. Unfortunately she found someone in military training at Fort Benning to say things that supported her idea.)

Fortunately she did not suceed, (although we all as skydivers must be vigilant to make sure that someone else does not do this at some point).

In the process she contacted everyone she could, like the Massachusetts Aeronautics Commission, the FAA, USPA, the Regional Director at the time, etc.

The book is filled with inaccuracies (laughable inaccuracies to most skydivers), and she seems to not want to admit that her son was responsible for the accident that caused his death.

Some of the more choice things from the book:

- She thinks that waivers should not be allowed or mean anything.
- She thinks there is much money in skydiving instruction.
- She think the FAA "protects" skydiving.
- She thinks skydivers are egotistical because they defend skydiving.
- She mentioned that Parachutist showed pictures of skydivers "jumping barefoot, jumping without helmets, ... jumping head first". (My gosh, you mean that dangerous head-down flying!)

The front cover has a picture of a butterfly. (Yawn...)

Appendices include:

- The MSPC waiver
- The MAC/FAA report
- The statement from the MSPC staff

An excerpt from the back cover:

" A true story.... The book to read before you or someone you love tries skydiving."

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You know, I'm geniuenly sorry that this woman's son died. That is awful, and no mother should have to experience the feeling of knowing she outlived one of her own children.

That said, this woman can go fuck herself. She's taking vengence out on a sport and a group of people for her son's death. Well guess what lady, your son died because he was too stupid to steer a canopy...something several thousand people in this country do every weekend without a problem.

Maybe she should've written a book about how her piss-poor son couldn't execute a simple task that would save his life.

I get so pissed off at people who take up causes simply for revenge, or their own personal agenda. I get pissed off at a celebrity who finds out they have MS, then all of the sudden goes on this big "Find A Cure For MS" campaigne. They didn't give a shit about it before, but now that they have it, it's a big deal.

Same thing with this woman, only a little different.

Don't buy her book, she can have my $20 and shove up her ass.



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Thanks for the review and information. I had seen that book and at one time thought about buying it. Now that I know the story behind it, I'll save my $$.
May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey

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So, whay doesn't everyone go to amazon and rate the book poorly????? Maybe we can stop others from buying it too.

That's a great idea!

My review comes directly from peeks post (I hope you don't mind)


The book is filled with inaccuracies (laughable inaccuracies to most skydivers), and she seems to not want to admit that her son was responsible for the accident that caused his death - tragic as it may be.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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HELL YEAH!! Kramer, you hit the nail on the head. IM SO SICK AND TIRED OF PEOPLE BLAMING EVERYONE ELSE FOR THEIR OWN STUPIDITY!!! Some people need to take some fuckin personal RESPONSIBILITY for for their actions!! Im so sick and tired of people blaming others for their misfortunes!!


There's no truer sense of flying than sky diving," Scott Cowan

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There aren't any reviews there yet.
Why don't you post your post there Gary?

I already have of course. Reviews don't show up immediately, so don't let that keep any of you from creating reviews if you feel like you know enough about the book.

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Jumping Through Clouds is published by 1st Books Library. It appears that this company is an "on demand" publisher, that means they actually print books one copy at a time as they receive orders. The company acts as a self-publishing agent for would-be authors, charging them for publishing services. Basically, it's a company that makes it's profit from the author, not from book sales. If you would like to comment on specific inaccuracies in the book, 1st Books Library can be reached (TOLL FREE) at 888-519-5121.

Here are some quick numbers from Amazon.com today...

Jumping Through Clouds sales rank: 1,167,486.

Parachuting, The Skydivers Handbook sales rank 17,832.

JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy sales rank 28,430.

While Jumping Through Clouds may be a crappy book that trashes skydiving, it certainly isn't very successful.

Tom Buchanan
Author JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy
Tom Buchanan
Instructor Emeritus
Comm Pilot MSEL,G
Author: JUMP! Skydiving Made Fun and Easy

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If you post reviews at Amazon, don't call her an idiot, and don't call her son an idiot. Because there are other people out there who have similar feelings, and this will feed them.

Just post a technical review of the book, indicating how mains are steerable, accident rates, the rich life of skydivers, and all that other stuff.

To me, calling her son an idiot because he overamped and didn't do the right thing on his first jump is a little unfair -- he was also unlucky. Plenty of people go fetal and do nothing , or do the wrong thing, and survive.

Also, if you review a lot of books, don't review this one -- people will look a the "he also reviewed" list and maybe check this book out when they wouldn't have found it otherwise.

Anger never makes an unemotional case better.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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If you post reviews at Amazon, don't call her an idiot, and don't call her son an idiot. Because there are other people out there who have similar feelings, and this will feed them.

True, see my above post: I wrote a review the day this post started. It read straight from Peeks post:


The book is filled with inaccuracies (laughable inaccuracies to most skydivers), and she seems to not want to admit that her son was responsible for the accident that caused his death - tragic as it may be.

It still does not show... perhaps they don't want it to.... funny, doesn't seem derogatory to me.

My Karma ran over my Dogma!!!

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