
Felix Baumgartner's wings

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I am very sorry to repeatedly post on this topic, but please what web sites have good information on Felix Baumgartner's rigid wings, and similar, and any possible mtorized version of them. I was advised to web search for "Skyray"; which I have now done, and there are so many different sorts of things and people called Skyray that any references to backpack gliding wings were drowned in over 2000 references to irrelevant matter, despite whatever I chose as a second accompanying search term.

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The ONLY person that has definitive information about Felix's wings is Felix.

His web site does not go into detail.

The SkyRay wings are similar, but smaller.

To my knowledge, none come with any sort of engine for sustained horizontal flight.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Some of those pics you saw may have been taken by Craig O'Brien. BTW he was wearing a Birdman suit when he took the pictures. Fleix was out at Perris before he did his "race" with the Porter. OB and some others shoot some stills and video. From what I hear they did better on the Birdsuits (as far as fall rates then the hard wings. Although I believe he may have had more forward speed then they could get. I was eaves dropping when they got down.

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