
Weight 16stone

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I am currently nearing cat-8 at 14 jumps. I do a lot of weight trainng and i have been well over 16 stone. Altough i can keep it in check quite easily i currently am just under 16 stone.

Is this likely to hinder my skdyive career in terms of rigs available, future downsizing etc.. I am currently jumping 280s as a student.

What would be a sensible rig/size for my first rig taking my weight into account?


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Hi Richard
I am about the same weight as you, and have about 1500 jumps. I am also 50 years old. I don't think this weight alone will hinder you as there are plenty of other variables as well. I wouldn't venture an opinion on what gear you should jump. I do advise you to talk to your instructors. good luck!

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I also do a lot of bodybuilding.
I've just purchased new gear and the factors I considered were not just what I currently weigh, but also what I expect to weigh 6 months or a year or more from now. Most folks are relatively static but I am working hard to build mass (not fat)

As my muscle mass grows so will my weight (duh). My bank account however, isnt going to keep up so I wanted something that will still be good for me as I increase my weight.
While my main, a sabre2 210 might be a bit big for me now, in a year I expect it to be much more appropriate considering my weight and experience, both of which (I hope) will have grown. B|

I dont plan to downsize my main, I'm UPsizing my body B|

Do consider getting a good wingy jumpsuit though. If you are like me, you fall like a block of lead.



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