
Gear Regulations ??

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I am not really sure where to post this, my question is as follows:
If I go to a foreign country ( europe ) and want to jump a teardrop container made in South Africa with no cypress, but their club rules say you need to have a cypress, could I jump my gear ?
Am I obligged to follow club rules if I am not a club member and jump my own gear ( I am not talking about blatenet disrespect for the club - but rather only concerning my being able to jump my gear)
I "know" in the states you can jump your own gear if you are a citizen of that country and your gear was made there - ( or am I incorrect)
Any advise / clarrification would be apppreciated
Peace Be Da Journey

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I think (no matter what int. gear regulations say) you always have to oblidge to club-rules.

If they say 'you can not jump from our plane, unless you wear a pink tutu, and have an at least 300 sq/ft canopy, and 5 cypress' installed' then...no mater what you say...they have every right to not allow you to jump...it's not a right they are offering you...it's a service.

So when places like Ampuria say you must have a cypress if you want to jump there....then you must have one...their DZ...their rules...

And even in the US..no matter what rules..if there is a dz that decided you can no longer jump there without a cypress..then it could also just send you away without jumping.....sux huh...
I'm an Athlete?

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what exactly is the club rule where you are going? I know a lot of DZ's now that want you to have a cypres - its even mandatory in some countries eg spain.

If its the club rule that you must have a cypres it doesnt matter what container you have or where you from thats just their rule.

Ive not come across any DZ's that have a problem with SA gear in its self before.

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its even mandatory in some countries eg spain

ASAIK, Spain has no such regulation.

France does (as of either earlier this year or soon later this year), and so does some other DZs in Europe (Empuria in Spain).

In Holland an AAD is mandatory untill your C-licence (or rather, your equivalent of our C-licence).

Although I wouldn't be very surprised if they changed that to mandatory, period, in the near future.

ciel bleu,

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The Canadian Air Regulations state that when flying a Canadian-registered airplane over another country, you should conform to all Canadian regulations, except when they are repugnant to local laws, in which case you follow local laws.
Doesn't the bible say something about "when in Rome, do as the Romans do?"

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( Just to clarify - If a club told me their club rules, I would abide by them OBVIOUSLY - My question only related to not jumping with a cypress).
I am buying myself a teardrop harness with no cypress and am going to be in europe early next year, was just wondering whether I would be able to jump my rig.

Anyways, Thanks for all the info.;)
Peace Be Da Journey

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