
heavy guys

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Back in the late 70's I knew a jump pilot called "Twiggy". He was about 300 pounds plus. They got him to jump once. Static line with a T-10....
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I corresponded with a fellow Anvil Brother about some gear I had for sale a few months ago. He was 6'9" tall and 295 # He was a student so I don't know if he stayed in it.

I'm 6'6" and 240. Grant Meeker with Freefly Euphoria is 6'4" and 235. There's several that are our size.

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I met a low-time jumper at MHS in Longmont CO who was SEVEN
feet tall and IIRC, he told me his exit weight was 290. He was trained
in FL by jumping a tandem rig solo.
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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who was the heaviest person any of you have seen or heard of skydiving?

I'm 5'8", 235#. I thought I was a big guy until I took a student that was 6', 295# a while back. Let's just say that there was a lot of extra room in the back of the Cessna on that one since it was just us and the pilot.
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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One of the managers I work with is about 6'5" and 315.. so out the door weight has to be 340# and he has about 250 jumps up here in Washington.

He jumps a Velocity Infinity rig with a Triathalon 260 and does not have any issue with it.

I have seen some other big guys around at Snohomish and Kapowsin as well. all well over 220 and over 6' tall

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One of the managers I work with is about 6'5" and 315.. so out the door weight has to be 340# and he has about 250 jumps up here in Washington.
He jumps a Velocity Infinity rig with a Triathalon 260 and does not have any issue with it.

So how safe is that, as he's way outside of TSO'd weight limits for anything shy of a tandem rig... the Infinity's only TSO'd to 254lbs and 150 knots, per the owners manual...

What's he jumping for a reserve? Is he way outside the TSO'd limits for that too? I do understand that most equipment is tested beyond the TSO limits, but he's pretty far beyond them, which is kinda scary!

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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There is a Warrant Officer in 5th SFG who weighed 250Lbs. without gear.

There is a guy in the 10th group sniper locker called "Bunky" that I went to MFFJM with who was 250 butt naked, He looks like a pro wrestler, so they didn't question him about his weight and let him in the course. He passed no problem. Bottom line is that there are plenty of BIG dudes out there who are absolutely in shape and still skydive their asses off.


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"Bottom line is that there are plenty of BIG dudes out there who are absolutely in shape and still skydive their asses off."

I'm proud to say that I am a big dude who is not in shape and can't skydive my ass off. Don't forget about us!

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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How many people out there are jumping canopies above the recommended weight. I know I on any weekend I can go to the DZ and find plenty of them. Then, you have people exceeding the speed of the TSO all the time, what about premature openings. Yes, I think people exceed the guidelines all the time, but when was the last time you got off the Interstate and slowed down to the ramp speed of 45 mph? Same difference.....?

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Yes, I think people exceed the guidelines all the time

You're right, I'm sure he's not the only one jumping gear over it's max TSO'd weight! That doesn't make it a safe practice to do so though... and he may be the most over the weight limit of anybody I've heard of, as he's almost 90lbs over the weight limit of his H&C (and possibly his reserve too), which is why I posed the question initially... how much is too much?

But hell no Amazon, I'm not gonna tell him he can't jump it! I'm only 6' 3" and 230lbs... he'd squash me like a bug! :P

"If all you ever do is all you ever did, then all you'll ever get is all you ever got."

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