
Any more skydiving dreams?

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I've been having loads of skydiving dreams recently and having read the previous thread about dreams wondered if anyone has any more interesting ones. Also how often do you dream about skydiving? It seems to feature most nights for me at the moment!It might be because I am jumping a lot at the moment, but then I thought that I was dreaming about it loads in the winter because I wasn't jumping!
I had one dream recently that I have found it really hard to shake off. I remember looking at my alti and seeing it show 2 000ft and panicking that I was getting low. The dream ended there, but I have happily just received an audiable alti anyway, so hopefully it wasn't a premonition!
Just a few days after the dream, I jumped and tore the strap of my wrist mounted alti on exit and nearly dropped it - so maybe it was a premonition of sorts!

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Hey Jo,

Yeah I have a few dreams....they used to be more like nightmares (like skydiving but having no rig on and trying to land on my feet) but recently they've been getting less scary...which is good cos I'm always thinking things in my dreams are premonitions...:S

M-C x

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I always have dreams of pilot chutes in tow. Or trying to open my reserve and nothing happens. I don't die, I just always land on my feet and start looking at my rig and trying to figure out why it didn't come out of the container... :o


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I dream I skydive regulary. Usually it's good dreams that rock. Ten minutes continous freefalling. B|
One luicid dream that felt soooo real. I tried to try to not deploy, but chickened out. I was just 95% certain I were dreaming. :o

Last dream I had was unpleasant, though. Someone went in without anything deployed. Felt so real and had a real bad feeling when i woke up.[:/]

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I think the most bizzarre skydiving dream I've ever had was just a couple nights ago -

I dreamt my wife Sharon (A ground-hugging whuffo to the max-) walked into the room and announced she would to a tandem - I immediately began asking other folks if I was dreaming, I must be dreaming, there is no way I could be awake because there is no way Sharon will ever jump-

Then I woke up -

I told Sharon about it and she was laughing so hard!

(There really is no way in hell she will ever jump - I've got a truckload of beer bet on it, that no one will ever be able to persuade her.)

Easy Does It

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LOL ... I had sort of a skydiving dream this morning where I was at the airport to visit Hooknswoop (my rigger) so that he could tend to some skydiving equipment maintenance (and there was the obligatory babe there in the dream as well). Anyway, the next thing you know there I am with Hook in a helicopter flying it (I'm a licensed private pilot, but have no helicopter endorsement). I tell you, if dreams are fun, this was a fun one. But whatever happened to the cutie? Maybe she's the high maintenance whuffo that a couple of volleyball friends are trying to set me up with on a Moab camping trip July 4th weekend. :)

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Before I started my AFF i had loads of skydiving dreams. Normally they involved me twatting into the ground still in the box position, getting up and going to do it again. Pretty mad.

Now my skydiving dreams normally involve me getting out the door and glimpsing my rig on the floor inside the plane. I do have fun skydiving dreams aswell...

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I used to have recurring dreams where I would go in with either nothing out, or some mal or something...

then I would get up completely unhurt, brush the dirt off, look around all embarrassed to see if anyone saw, and walk back to get on the next load....

funny thing, like 2-3 other people I talked to have had this dream as well...

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I always have dreams of pilot chutes in tow. Or trying to open my reserve and nothing happens.

I've had a lot of those dreams too. Over the 22 years I was out I'd have skydiving dreams. Sometimes really vivid El Capitan dreams. Then about 5 years ago, I started dreaming about putting a new rig together. I'd dream that UPS deleivered a bright orange reserve, or a blue & yellow main. Or I'd dream some loft had called and said my new container system was ready. A threapist friend of ours thought these dreams were very interesting. Now I'm jumping again and trying to put a rig together. I might just try to get an orange reserve, just for the hell of it.

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The dreams were the reason I started skydiving.

The dreams date from as long as I remember. They are not so much of skydiving as of soaring, flying without an engine.

The dreams are very clear and realistic and always positive to extreme. I also realized that they often occur while I am onboard my ship.... sleeping to the slow roll of ocean waves.

When I had my first canopy flight I had this awesome feeling that I had been here meny times before. It was fantastic. However, the best part of my dreams is that I can force them to happen while concentrating on flight images just before the sleep overtakes. I have tried to cultivate this gift and have arrived to the point that I can continue the dream from a point that I left it the night before. Almost as good as reality.

So while sailing, I can still soar like an eagle.

Cheers: JL :)

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It's wierd how many people seem to have dreams where they land with no parachute then actually just pick themselves up and walk away

Yeah, it's strange... I had one of those myself recently: a freefall right into the ground (a runway, actually), got up and started *teaching* other people how to do it (is there an instructor rating for this?) I guess just because you're dead doesn't mean the dream's over, so you gotta invent something to keep the story going.

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It's wierd how many people seem to have dreams where they land with no parachute then actually just pick themselves up and walk away

Yeah, it's strange... I had one of those myself recently: a freefall right into the ground (a runway, actually), got up and started *teaching* other people how to do it (is there an instructor rating for this?) I guess just because you're dead doesn't mean the dream's over, so you gotta invent
something to keep the story going.

So true!! It's just the dream not wanting to end. Let me know when you get that instructor rating (it could be the next dream!) ;)

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The amount of times iv burned it down to 10 ft thrown out a pilot chute and had a nice soft landing.... then all i have to do is shove the pilot chute back in and go jump again. Also have the on where a friend has a double mal and you cutaway and catch them then deploy reserve just holdin on tight. Have also had some mega crazyones that are to fucked up to explain (unless youve got about 2hrs spare) these usually happen most when im spending an extended time on a DZ. Possibly fueled by lack off food/excess of jumps + beer fines!
Blue skies
Adi :S

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My Usual Dream - is I end up under a reserve for some reason or another. Anyway I'm really struggling to stay in my harness. At about 10 feet I realise I've not clipped up the legstraps. so when I do land I quickly clip up my lepstarps so my CCI doesn't notice.
Ben G
Still Sinking :-(

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