
Any more skydiving dreams?

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Once, I dreamt that I had a giant catapult in my tree-filled backyard, that I could use to throw myself to altitude. I don't recall how I cleared the trees each time, but I catapulted myself to 10 grand over and over again :)
At some point, that dream morphed into a county fair with lots of scary carnies though B|. That was a bummer.

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Once, I dreamt that I had a giant catapult in my tree-filled backyard, that I could use to throw myself to altitude. I don't recall how I cleared the trees each time, but I catapulted myself to 10 grand over and over again :)

Sounds fun! Next time you should dream you invite us all over to your backyard. I'll see if I can dream about bringing some beer.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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kinda funny..sounds close to a dream i had once butnever forgot...because it was so fukn strange.

I dreamt that we dug a whole in the back yard (of the house I grew up in)
filled it with water so my pet whale. YES A WHALE:S
could swim in there. well we learned the the whale like to flip us on his/its tail. we taught it to flip us to altitude....

WTF kinda dream is that!:P:o:ph34r:
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They are not so much of skydiving as of soaring, flying without an engine.

Ive had soaring dreams for as long as I can remember too. I love them!!

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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