
What do your parents think of your skydiving?

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Yesterday I was talking to my father on the phone, and he told me for the first time how much he does not like the idea of me skydiving. I guess I was surprised, because a week before he had been talking about pitching in to help me buy my rig as a graduation gift. I couldn't imagine him helping me buy my rig if he was against the idea of me skydiving.

But yesterday he launched into a spiel about how I'll understand what it's like when I have children and how he doesn't want me to splat into the pavement like a pancake if my chute doesn't open (his words).

I tried framing the conversation about risk assessment in ways he would understand - like the fact that he enjoys skiing and whitewater rafting-and has seen a fatility in whitewater rafting - and that for him, the risk of both activities is outweighed by the rewards, but it fell on deaf ears.

I offered to show him my rig and how the canopy deploys and is packed, but I don't think he's up for that. As I was saying this, a >:( popped up on my shoulder and I imagined demonstrating canopy deployment and at one point saying, "Hmmm...That's not supposed to happen!" :)
A One that Isn't Cold is Scarcely a One at All

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... it's actually pretty funny. they bought my first jump (AFF) for a gift but never thought I could stomach the program to be licensed. lol. now i have 4 hours of freefall time. their only catch is that they don't want to hear any stories or descriptions, but they like the videos... go figure. it's gotta be tough being a skydiver's parent. it would be tough on me.

"dude, where's my main?"

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through early adolesence, "Motorcycles are evil they are slow suicide for the stupid and you best never even think of getting one"
age 16 first time skiing, "thats interesting but I wouldn't do it because I can't risk breaking a leg"
age 17 after some minor injuries skiing and limping around the house for a few days, "what the hell are you doing at the ski areas"
age 18 after walking around soar from water skiing and having learned how to scubadive , "yes he always feels the need to put his life at risk"
at 19 after bull riding for the first 3 times, "you know that looks pretty dangerous but thank god you haven't bought a motorcycle"
a couple of weeks later after semi-serious bullriding accident, " your an idiot with the need to risk your life but as long as we pay for your college and car you will not do the stupidest possible things, so from this day foward you will never ride a bull again" (I rode in secrecy after that but luckily never got hurt again)
at 20 learned to skydive, "that might seem a little scary but the truth is its totally safe" (other family members would roll their eyes mumbling, "they don't know anything about the potential danger")
at 26 years of age after discovering my zx-6 ninga, "I hope you some day have a son like yourself who keeps you worried at all times.", to other people "My son is crazy and I have to live with this and only hope he doesn't kill himself in my lifetime."
at 27 after bad landing causeing some limping for a couple of weeks, "when are you going to stop this" my response , NEVER! "your going to have to break a leg before you decide to stop" my response, no even then I would just have to wait the six weeks healing time and then I could jump again. (six weeks assume a minor fracture six months if its a compound one but essenitally the same thing)
for the past couple of years, "I know your not going to stop but I wish you would do it a lttle less often to cut down on the risk"
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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My mother dragged me to the DZ for company when she wanted to do her first jump course. Only on arrival did I find out I was supposed to also start jumping.

She even kept me in jump money for a few years which made it even better.

Man I love my mother!
Blue Skies
"That's not flying.... that's falling with style!"

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