
Cat II - Whena re u ready

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I am hoping some ppl can shed some light on this subject - I know jump numbers etc do not matter as far as going for Cat II is concerned.

I realise that it is more abilty and comfort level that will determine the readiness.
Which brings me to my questions.

I feel quite relaxed in the air and am slowly playing around with leg position etc.
However I usually do a dive exit which is very steep and then sometimes go unstablebefore regainning stabilit etc ... ( I am sure this would hamper going for cat II)
Do I do Cat II jumps - ( at least I am jumping with someOne anyways) and If I stuff them up then just work through it.
Or do I concentrate on better exits by myself and work on controlling my turns better etc ( I can do a turn - but do not always stop where I want to)
Knowing my character ( usualy quite tough on myself - yes I know I shouldnt be) I don't want to let myself down or the coach for that matter :P

please give me ur advise
go straight for CAT II
or 3/4 more Fun Jumps to work on it More ?

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Whats Cat II for us none American folk?

I don't think it an American System, Nylstroom is in South Africa.

I don't know what you mean by Cat II - cat 2 is in the UK means you have done 2 good SL jumps.

I'm assuming your problem is something along the lines of FS/RW problems. My best piece of advice is speak to an FS coach and do a couple of jumps with him. If they're any good they'll pick up any problems you might have.
Ben G
Still Sinking :-(

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I am not american myself.
CAT II is basically what i guess most people call coaching jumps.
Basically I jump with a coach and have to dock different positions /catch them in freefall do 360 degree turns etc.
Once you are a CAT II skydiver you can jump with one other CAT II skydiver

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ahhhhhhhh i see... in oz thats a brel
Not sure what the Cat II is like exactly but here at least its better to get brels done.. On solo's since your not jumping with others you can't tell if your backsliding or anything like that and you pick up bad habits.

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To get CAT II
Consists of 7 jumps ( levels)
have to do 1 linked exit
6 non linked exits - where u need to dock on "instructor"
Reason to do CAT II jumps is so that you can do a 2way - In south Africa you can only do solo jumps if u have a CAT I ( A License)

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The categories are really just readily assessible skills levels to quantify when you are ready to be unleashed on an unsuspecting sky. Cat II and Cat III progressions are available in each discipline. It's entirely a South African rating and means nothing anywhere else in the world.

Cat I and A license are not the same. A license comes after your first dive exit (assuming SL progression) and has an oral test attached, whereas Cat I happens after you pass your spin test.

For formation skydiving (to use an example), Cat II progression requires you to be able to exit unlinked and dock on your instructor, perform certain turns and re-dock, perform height compensation, move forward to him on the same level, etc. You are also required to show you can wave off and track adequately away from your partner. And that you can do all this without losing altitude awareness (useful if you are coming off SL and are totally distracted by the presence of another person in your piece of sky). Once you have Cat II, you can participate in multi-ways in that discipline, so long as there is no more than one other Cat II on the dive.

Cat III requires you to dock fourth on a formation, after exiting unlinked from it and to perform certain tasks. Once you have that, you can jump with anyone in that discipline except a pre-cat II student.

Cat III in any one discipline is a prerequisite for the B license in South Africa.

I think I have that all correct.

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The Cat II FS programme is compulsory in South Africa. Once you have finished student progression it is necessary to do the Cat II progression programme before you are able to jump with a non-coach. The Cat II programme is 7 jumps with a coach which teaches you the basic principles of formation skydiving. These principles include exiting the plane (linked and unlinked), docking safely, doing turns, adjusting levels, keeping eye contact, cross referencing, having a good body position, altitude awareness, tracking safely etc. Most of the jumps are learning levels with jumps 5 and 7 being the Cat II tests. Once you have completed the programme you will be able to jump with any other Cat II and above skydiver.
As an FS coach in South Africa I recommend that you start your Cat II programme as soon as possible to give you a platform to work from. The coach will be able to help with your exit concerns.
The SA Formation Skydiving Committee is currently putting together a Cat II video which will be distributed to all dropzones in the country. This is an informational video for students and coaches alike and will be a great visual tool to learn from. It explains clearly what is expected of you on each jump of the programme.
PASA ADZO (Association of Drop Zone Operators) have decided to help financially towards the Cat II programme as a development initiative. As always you will be required to pay a portion of the coaches' slot for each jump (this amount varies depending on the DZ). However, once you have completed the Cat II programme ADZO will reimburse you R350 (approximately 1/3 of the coaches slot).
Start you Cat II ASAP and then you can jump with your friends!!

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