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Luna 0
I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!
billvon 2,991
I agree with most of that, but wanted to add that you should do a few solos, just to get experience with deciding exit separation, checking your own gear, planning your own dive and opening altitude, etc. Yes, you can do all this stuff with a coach, but proving to yourself that you can do all the above on your own is, I think, also important.
Scottyb 0
Yes I do have data. Almost all of our coached jumps are done with AFF Instructors who, I feel, will provide a much more comprehensive coaching experience than a newly rated 100/200 jump USPA coach. I would never have the gall to ask a professional instructor to give up a higher paying tandem, AFF or video jump to make a coach jump for a $10/15/20 coach fee, which seems to be the payrate standard for a coach jump at most operations, with the emphasis on the lower side! Additionally, when comparing our rates against others it should be noted that we fly a Twin Otter to around 14,000 feet for these jumps and not a cessna to 9,000 feet, as do many operations that may have a cheaper rate displayed. As far as comparing apples to apples in regards to our fees against other operations you can be sure that I spent the winter season doing extensive research on this subject and I wouldn't make claims that I'm not pretty damn sure I can back up with fact. If you do your own research you'll see that I'm right! Check out all our very preferential rates at and compare to other operations, you'll see that overall, our FJC to A license and beyond skydiving rates are better than comparable to our competition and other operations further afield!
Now, I have a point or an issue to raise with you Dave, regarding your constant sniping at pretty much every post I make and rarely are your comments correct or justified. Under normal circumstances this would be fine with me as no one likes a good debate more than I. However, there are a couple of points I'd like to point out regarding these snipes so that those looking in are privy to some information that otherwise they wouldn't be! I'd like them to know that, as the recently resigned president of the UMD, College Park Skydiving Club you and I have a professional relationship of sorts, one that you, I feel, cannot deny has been nothing but cordial on my part. Not only that but I have done all I can to allow your club to benefit and prosper by using the Skydive Delmarva DZ as your clubs home base at very favorable rates and that since I have been the manager things have improved for your club in it's relationship with the DZ, financially and otherwise. Furthermore, when I raised our general student rates here this season I allowed your club, with no requests or input on the matter, to retain the same (or a better than) profit arrangement that you have had for the past few years. No other organization was allowed the same deal. Not only that, even though you are no longer the clubs president and have moved out of state, when you returned to the DZ with a honey in tow a few weeks ago, one that wasn't a UMD club member, I allowed her to make a Tandem jump at not only well below standard client rates but considerably cheaper than she would have been able to make a jump as one of your club members! As you may have now guessed, I take umbrage at your attempts to discredit our operation when all I've ever done for you and your club members is not only treat them very well, financially and otherwise but also on a personal level I have gone beyond that and given you yourself personal preferential rates, so where's the beef Dave?
By all means if anyone feels I am being deceitful or making claims I cannot justify, or that I'm just plain wrong about something then please feel free to take issue with it. However, if you are someone that I've always gone out of my way to help or provide benefits for, perhaps if you think things don't add up it would be preferable for your first step to be to approach me privately, prior to coming into a public forum with the intent to cause me anguish with no justified reason. Doing the latter only puts a bad taste in my mouth against you or your organization and certainly doesn't make me feel as if I should take the extra steps to help you out in the future! Those who owe me or our operation nothing are perfectly at liberty to come straight in for the attack if they think it's called for (or not, whatever flips your switch)!
If the point hasn't sunk in yet Dave, it's not necessarily this post that I'm taking umbrage at, it's your constant responses, mostly (just those) with no justification that have made this one the one to break the camels back!
Hope the DZ your at now has better luck!Blue ones,
Stay Safe.
Martin Evans.
For further information about Sky-Eye Skydiving Services & Skydive Delmarva please visit our websites:
QuoteThanks for all the advice, I do plan on doing coached jumps and meeting all the requirements that are needed to get my "A" lets face it there is soooo much to learn. I guess the simple question is can a person that has completed the student program but does not have their "A" license do a non coached solo jump? I'm sure it may also depend on the dz and I will get all of the information from them but I was just curious.
This is straight out of the Skydiver Information Manual (SIM):
An appropriately-rated USPA Instructor must directly supervise each student jump until the student is cleared to self supervise in freefall during Category E. A USPA Coach or the USPA-approved equivalent may conduct freefall training and supervise jumps for those students in Categories E through H. Until the USPA A license, all student training remains the responsibility of the USPA Instructor.
Once meeting all the requirements listed on the USPA A-License Application, the student may then make a check jump with a USPA Instructor to be issued the USPA A license. The check jump consists of an overall review of the training and includes an oral quiz taken from the quizzes at the end of each category.
Bottom line: You fall under the responsibility of the instructor until you get your A license so while it doesn't state that you can't do a solo before you get your A most instructors will ensure that you have a coach or somebody looking out for you until you do your check jump and get your license.
Hope that helps.
Get your PMS glass necklace here
sducoach 0
How you doing lady? Did Jim buy you that beer????
If not ask him if you can borrow his borrowed pig!!!
Hope to see your "A" number up there soon! Be safe, have fun, and Blues!
Luna 0
I'm walking a marathon to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Click Here for more information!
jumpgod 0
do a bunch of jumps with a coach and learn fall rate, RW, and tracking. then do a few solos when you are ready and practice PRCPs and tracking and stability.
then, when you get your license, start doing 2 and 3 ways with an "experienced jumper". not 30 jumps, not 100 jumps... try like 200 jumps. learn the ropes and then try a few 3 ways and 4 ways with D licensed "veteran" jumpers.
my opinions are austere when it comes to skydiving. if your one of those dudes who is insistant on going headdown at 25 jumps, it's your call but it's your @$$.
jump safe and blue ones.
Scottyb 0
I plan on taking my time and learning to be as safe as possible. I don't think I'll be doing a head down for quite a while, I'll stay belly to earth untill i get that perfect. Thanks for all the info
Blue skies
basiaaa 0
He signed off on a lot of the stuff.
Does this mean that it won't count, and I'm going to have to do everything all over again with an instructor, whom of course I'll have to pay?
Do you have any data to back this up? Your coach jumps, including gear rental and packing, are $90. Gear is $23, packing is $6, and jump tickets are $20 (or less, I know). That means the coaching costs $21, right? Do you pay the coach more than $21? What do coach jumps at most operations cost?
I guess I got lucky. I got my A just before coaching was required. I did a few coached jumps anyway. Price varied from a jump ticket to a jump ticket plus $10. Did another at a different dropzone and just had to pay for the second jump ticket.
So what do the rest of you pay for coach jumps? Has it gone up since they became a requirement?
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