
3rd jump

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Hey ya'll

I recently purchased an AFF certification package at a local dropzone. I had never been skydiving before.

I love it.

My first two dives were AFF tandem...you can meet the AFF level I and 2 TLO's going tandem.
I did extremely well. My instructor couldnt get over how well I did. He even decided to throw in a fast spin on my second dive and I recovered easily.

I am feeling good up to this point.

He decides to take me AFF level 3 with just him holding on to my one side.

I totally failed.

First, I kept potato chipping all around (i think this is because i lost leg awareness). He kept shaking me to get me to arch and I did...but for some stupid reason I pulled my legs up to my butt.

I lost altitude awareness.

My instructor at this time was still holding onto me (he noticied that one of my risers was out and flapping around and did not want me to get cought up in it and pull...)

At around 6k I looked at my altimiter and decided that I was out of control and needed to pull. I reached for my handle but could not find it.
I was reaching too far back (i was used to pulling his handle with the tandem...)

at about 5k he pulled for me.

The canopy control/landing etc went excellent after this.

We had drilled repeatedly on pulling with my student rig..but for some reason I just panicked at kept reaching far back

contributing factors...

I had on a very small jumpsuit for my size..i fell like a brick...my instructor on the other hand had a loose jumpsuit and is about 40lbs lighter than me so he was above me and I could not see his handsignals.

Also, I was used to the tandem rig and failed to realize where my handle was...even though we practiced like a million times.

My problem is this....

Im afraid now that the next time I go up, I wont be able to control myself again...im really hoping that it was just my leg control that was making me rock back and forth....

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My guess is your arch wasn't very strong. If you are droping your knees it will cause you some problems. I would practice on the ground with locating your handles, and arching. Probally will help with the next time that you go up.
Where troubles melt like lemon drops Away above the chimney tops That's where you'll find me.
Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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My problem is this....

Im afraid now that the next time I go up, I wont be able to control myself again...im really hoping that it was just my leg control that was making me rock back and forth....

Between you and your instructor there was enough control for you to both survive - although you want to learn and improve, this is still the first requirement and it was met.

You also seem to have a reasonable idea as to what the causes of your problems were, so they can be prevented next time :)
Chat through your concerns with your instructor and keep at it!

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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First: Talk to yout instructor, he knows you.

Things that might help:
2. Drills to build muscle memory. Arch while in the harness you are about to jump while doing the drill, so the handle will be in the right place.
3. go up again and have Fun!:)
The mind is like a parachute - it only works once it's open.
From the edge you just see more.
... Not every Swooper hooks & not every Hooker swoops ...

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The most important thing for you to do - and the hardest thing for you to do - RELAX. If you are relaxed in your arch the chipping will stop and the dive will go much smoother and more fun. It is very difficult to do because of all the apprehension and adrenaline, but that is the key. Don't give up, it will come with time. Something else to remeber is that we have all been through this and made it, you can too. :)

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I know how you feel. After I failed my level 4 for the 2nd time for the same reason, I kept spinning to the right. My JM told me to go home lay on the ground in front of the t.v or whatever and practice my arch. I stuck a pillow under my chest and put my legs on the chair. I would close my eye's and imagine to the best of my ability freefall and keep the arch for 15sec. I went up and passed with flying color's on my 3rd attempt at level 4. Don't get frustrated, I did and it doesn't help. Take a deep breath go back up there and do it to it. Good luck... Oh and like they said, Relax.

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