
Getting the A license

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I've read a few posts here about what happens after a new jumper is "off of student status" but does not yet have their A license. There seems to be a lot of inconsistency in the handling of this between the various training programs as well as from one dz to another. When I got off of student status, I felt like the instructors dropped me like a hot potato and that I almost had to beg to get a few minutes of an instructors time. I'm somewhat of a shy person so it was a little difficult for me to get in someone's face and demand attention.

So I'm curious to hear from some of the instructors out there. What do you do? Do you ensure that a student is looked after until they get the A license, or are they just sort of thrown to the wolves? Do you work with a student all the way or do you hand them off to another instructor for the next part of the training? Do you keep tabs on the students license requirement card or is that left to the student to make sure each requirement gets signed off?

I'd also like to hear some pros and cons about another question. Would a student be better off if taken all the way from first jump to the A license by one instructor or is exposure to several instructors better?

Thanks all,


Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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I'd also like to hear some pros and cons about another question. Would a student be better off if taken all the way from first jump to the A license by one instructor or is exposure to several instructors better?

Just my two cents, for what it's worth being that I don't quite have my A yet, but I think students are better off overall having different instructors, but if they are having trouble passing a certain level, there is something to be said for sticking with the same instructor until they get it right. Although, at my DZ, all student jumps from 2nd jump through "off student status" are videotaped (included in the price we pay), so it is easier to go between instructors for us. Personally, I liked being exposed to many different instructors because everyone has something different they can teach, a different perspective on things. Being exposed to as many of those as I can should help develop a better overall picture. Take packing just as an easy example...everyone does it slightly differently, so it's better for me to see everyone's technique and then decide what works best for me. I got the basics from one instructor, a few pointers from a couple others, and a really great technique for getting it in the bag from another. Now I have what works for me. Same thing in the air, as well.

As for the rest, the point of the new ISP is to not leave students abandoned between the time they can solo and the time they get their A license. If a DZ is using the program (which they should be), then no student will feel abandoned. I jumped with both coaches and instructors after I was off student status, and I never felt that I had to compete for attention, because I HAD to get these jumps in with at least a coach. It's a good program.

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Well a couple of questions.........is your dz using the isp? Yes all uspa group members are required to use it now but is your dz a uspa group member? If they are and you are getting this kind of treatment then maybe you need to break out of your shyness and speak up or just go to a different dz, a smaller more family like dz perhaps.B|

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At our dz, which is mid-sized and very much "or family" we have jumpers with their coach rating, while they are not AFF instructors, they are real good for people on the "in-between" such as yourself. My husband is a coach & loves helping out people. Also, you can pay the coach to actually go on jumps with you and help you out with different tecniques in the air. And it is not near as expensive as hiring an instructor.

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Check out my reply in another post: //www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=502168;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;forum_view=forum_view_collapsed;;page=unread#unread

Answering your last question, I had exposure to several different instructors through my AFF (Andy Serrano/Paul Rafferty levels 1-3; Sally Hathaway and Derek Thomas 4-8) and continue to have exposure to different coaches. Each one had a different point of view and I truly learned a lot more by having several instructors.

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We now have Coach rating holders who should be working with those "novice" skydivers but, it depends upon your DZ.
The ISP as Luna mentions is a great way to work through the old "hot potato". Ask for a "student camp" or find a good experienced mentor to work with.

As far as one instructor is concerned, it depends upon the instructor. One of my greatest griefs is to listen to some new instructors who simply "parrot" what they have heard and do not teach. If they are professional they will work with you and follow you through.
I tell newly licensed skydivers to go on a road trip. Try different DZ's and learn from what you see there. Your A license is truly your license to learn. Stop by our DZ and I'll buy your first jump, as long as it's with me!


James 4:8

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