
I did it...with only minor complications

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Well, I did my skills evaluation tandem last weekend and it went perfect. Then I waited like 7 hours for the proper winds and finally got to do my first instructor assisted deployment jump. Everything went perfect...until my landing. The guy with the radio told me to flare and I did, fast and hard. I fell out 12 feet out of the air. The whole time I was thinking "plf, plf, plf". Well, as soon as I stopped tumbling I stood straight up (my boyfriend said he could see birdies flying around my head):S, my harness was twisted sideways on my body. But, I was fine. No harm done. I remembered to get behind my parachute to keep it from flying me off and I waited for my instructor. She said "how do you feel-you did it by yourself!!" I felt great, In my drunken fallen inspired state, I felt wonderful. I grinned from ear to ear for the rest of the day. B| I can't wait until this weekend so I can do more. I really can't wait until AFF. I have to do 1 more IAD and I'll be freefalling-YAY! My favorite part is that split second that I'm just falling before my parachute opens (keep in mind I just did the IAD- so I got no freefall time) I can't wait to fly!!! But..this time, my flare will be much slower and more controlled. I deffinatly learned something this jump!

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Another bird is born
congrats...believe it or not, about 100 jumps from now you'll be relaxed and laughing as you go out the door headfirst. Keith is right. It's the end of the world as you know it. You feel fine?
Live and learn... or die, and teach by example.

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