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First Proxy in the May 2003 Parachutist:

1. To change the term of office of USPA
Directors and Officers from the current two years
to three, effective with the next election.
Yes __________ No ________

- cost savings because election is held less frequently
- new BOD members have more time to be effective. Typically, it takes two years to understand how the BOD meeting work and how to get things

- turnover of Directors may be less frequent

Send in your proxy as soon as possible. Your voice can and will be heard.

Second Proxy in the May 2003 Parachutist

2. To move the election schedule for
USPA Directors two months earlier (start date
from October to August) and to seat the new
board at the next scheduled BOD meeting
following the election.
Yes __________ No ________

- more members would likely participate in the election if it were held during the summer months.
- BOD meeting schedule remains in tact. There is still a window for the summer meeting from April to September.
- Lame Duck Period is longer. This will allow more time for new Directors to come up to speed on issues
- staff time in counting ballots will not be during the Christmas-New Year's holiday period

- Lame Duck Period is longer. Directors not returning to the Board could or might neglect their duties.

Send in your proxy as soon as possible. Your voice can and will be heard.

Third Proxy in the May 2003 Parachutist

3. To eliminate the National Director nominating
committee and the petition requirement for
USPA Regional Director candidates.
Yes __________ No ________

- allows more people to run for office
- saves staff time in validating petitions

- there may be a large number of candidates running per region

Some people have said that collecting the signatures shows that a candidate is interested in the position and is willing to do the necessary work to get elected. Collecting signatures also allows a
candidate to get to know members. Others say that in order to win, candidates still have to get out and meet the members.

Send in your proxy as soon as possible. Your voice can and will be

The BOD cannot independantly make these changes.
These changes require a quorum of members present in person or by proxy.

Member of the I hate IE Club.
I have a dream that my posts will one day will not be judged by the color of the fonts or settings in a Profile but by the content.

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So, Chief, what do you think of these proposals?

(Couldn't resist calling you "Chief" :ph34r:)

I intentionally left out any statements about 'how to vote' on each proxy because the vast majority of jumpers I know really hate being told what to do.

I stated PROs on CONs as objectively as I could, so that each jumper could decide for themself how they wanted to vote on each proxy.

I will be voting yes on all three proxies because they are good for our organization, members and BOD members.

I won't ask anyone to be a lemming and follow me, but if that's what you want to do, by all means follow me.
I have a dream that my posts will one day will not be judged by the color of the fonts or settings in a Profile but by the content.

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I will be sending in my proxy, but I'm debating if I should send in the one in the mag, or a more personal one.

Here is my dilema:
I agree totally with the moving of the elections earlier, and the lengthening of the terms to 3 years.
The last one though, I have given a lot of thought to. I understand the drive to get rid of the National Director nominating committee, and fully support it. The petition requirement though, well, I'm thinking that should stay. I know the RD's have a lower turnover and that it is probably directly related to the lack of people willing o do the footwork for valid signatures on a petition. Mike T is a good example. If a person needs, say, 400 signatures, what's stopping he/she from trying to obtain 800? Lazyness I say. "I met the requirements, now I can go back to my home dz."

I, as a member of the North Central region, have not been overly happy with my director, but what can be done when nobody steps up to the plate? Well, I was thinking I was going to step up to the plate. I'm planning on visiting alot of the DZ's up here, and get the feel for the people. I don't have a dz that I call home, since to me, they are all "home".

I'm sure with my low time (5 years) and low jump numbers (I'm hoping for the "D" before September) that I will not be taken too seriously at first, but when I'm back trying every 3 years....

Representing a region means knowing that region, not a majority of voters from one or 2 big dropzones. Sure, those DZ's get the votes, but it takes more than them to get the petition.

I say yes to everthing, but leave the petition alone.
It's your life, live it!
RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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