
Saftey related skydiving sayings

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If in doubt, don't go out.

One of our coolest manifest gals was up for a quick hop n' pop last Sunday. A weather front was moving in, but it was believed that one more otter load could make.

She was poised at the door looking back and forth between the weather front and the green light.

She thought "That looks bad, but I just don't want to ride the plane down!" then she thought "Whoa, did I just think that?" She recognised her thought was a signal that her mind wasn't where it needed to be, and stepped back from the door. As she did so, the pilot killed the green light and started yelling that no one jump.

The winds came up from 0-5 mph to 38 with gusts to 45. This happened literally within 1-2 minutes time.

She would've launched under moderate winds and landed in a whirling multi-directional shit storm. It wouldn't have been pretty.

My respect for her went way up when she told me her thought process on that one...
“There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophies.”

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>Land with your wing level.

Good advice for new jumpers, bad advice for people wanting to downsize. Better advice would be "fly your wing all the way to the ground." You can land with your wing in a 30 degree bank; indeed, being able to do this is important before you move on to smaller and smaller canopies.

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>Land with your wing level.

Good advice for new jumpers, bad advice for people wanting to downsize. Better advice would be "fly your wing all the way to the ground." You can land with your wing in a 30 degree bank; indeed, being able to do this is important before you move on to smaller and smaller canopies.

I need to remember who my audience is I guess. I'm used to working with students and novices. As far as swooping goes, many of you could advise me.

never pull low......unless you are

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1) If you don't want to go low, don't fly there! --Mark Brown

I thought that was from Jerry Bird.

A friend of mine was doing some big ways with Jerry Bird. One of the things Jerry told the entire group were those exact words. I often think of them......Steve1

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Nightjumps just posted this in the PLF thread:

Its better to PLF and be wrong, than to not PLF and be wrong

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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1) If you don't want to go low, don't fly there! --Mark Brown

I thought that was from Jerry Bird.


Spoke with Mark Brown this weekend and he gives full credit to Jerry Bird for this saying's creation. B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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To a student: Flare on the third Oh shit"
It's not cool going in without all of your handles being pulled.

i always thought you should ignore the 'oh shit' and pay attention to the 'oh fuck'
namaste, motherfucker.

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The EPA defines a skydiving impact as
IRREVERSIBLE Earth-Person Compaction.

Hint: Avoid this at all costs.

When the ground and the canopy meet, the body should have been there first at LOW speed.
Mike Turoff
Instructor Examiner, USPA
Co-author of Parachuting, The Skydiver's Handbook

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