
Super Skyvan back in the air at Perris!

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For those of you that have been waiting patiently for the Super Skyvan to get it's new engine, your wait appears to be over! Sunday, 4/6, the Super Skyvan is scheduled to fly the first 4 loads of the day here at Perris. We will be ready to launch at 8:00 am and we anticipate flying it for at least the first 4 loads of the day. Get here early if you want to jump our tailgate aircraft!

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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Cool...thanks Jack! You're as good as your word....now about that DZ.Com gathering....


I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding about this so called "DZ.com Boogie". From what I have heard, and from what I have read on DZ.com, it won't be a DZ.com boogie, it will be that DZ.com will TAKE OVER the entire DZ, but that they have agreed to allow other skydivers to use the facility during that same time period. If all of the DZ.com'ers that have promised to be at Perris actually show up, it will be more of an imvasion. LET THE FUN BEGIN!!!

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I think there must be some kind of misunderstanding about this so called "DZ.com Boogie".


You call your self a DZ.comer???

you should know we don't call em Boogie's...we call them Gatherings...if ya call it a boogie it'll RAIN!!!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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lovely little box youve got there Jak. I did 6 beautiful jumps out of it today..

although it could use some paint and stickers inside. it really looks like a milk carton all white like that

i also noticed on the manifest screens listed it as the "Memorial Day Dropzone.com Boogie" B|B|

Perris Rocks!

Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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We will be ready to launch at 8:00 am and we anticipate flying it for at least the first 4 loads of the day.

Well, I was on load 1 and 2.

Load 1 didn't go off -quite- on schedule due to -somebody- not remembering a little thing we call Daylight Saving Time even though I had mentioned it at the team debrief the night before.

It seems like it's been forever since I last flew in the Box - maybe the Laughlin Boogie 6 months ago.

Anyway, it's amazing to me how used to a certain routine I get in the Twin Otters and how this is thrown off by some of the differences in the Box. All the noises and vibrations are different and it's quite a bit more difficult to know where you are on jumprun before the door opens -- you have to lean over and look out one of the side windows rather than having this huge lexan door just sitting beside you.

I think the most disconcerting thing was the takeoff roll, which I'm just not used to at all anymore. It's quite a bit longer than the Twin Otters and even though I -know- it's all going to work out just fine, there's a certain wierd feeling that "shouldn't we be taking off by now?"

Of course, our chief pilot Rob was flying the first load and Piya, one of the Perris A&Ps, is on my team -- so no real worries.

Yep, the Box is back.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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