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covey 0
QuoteApparently, the bunkhouse doesnt serperate guys and women, maybe its just my imagination but that seems kind of "wierd".
How old are you??? Why would you ever have a problem with this???
QuoteIm not very serious about skydiving and this is a lot of trouble.
If you aren't serious about the sport then get out before you hurt yourself or someone else!!! I am also curios where do you surf in Arizona??
Believe those who are seeking truth. Doubt those who find it. -Andre Gide
Jessica 0
This really isn't as difficult as you're making it out to be. Just call and reschedule for another day and time if you really don't want to be there that early.
DivinDon 0
Peace Don
Kris 0
QuoteWHOAAAA!!!! Thats one thing at a lot of JUMPERS actually want to do.
Yup. If I'm spending the weekend at my home DZ the others know not to even think about touching my couch. It's just so...comfy. Besides, if you sleep at the DZ you get to make first load!
Now I just have to make it to August so I can spend all 10 days at the World Freefall Convention.

Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™
stylin 1
Quote>Who in the hell would want to live on a DZ, yeachh!!!
WHOAAAA!!!! Thats one thing at a lot of JUMPERS actually want to do. If you live there all weekend long like most of us do then it only makes sense to actually live there all week long. Seeing as your still a student I can't image that you'd understand why we spend in excess of 10k a year to jump or why living in a trailer on the DZ is a great lifestlye that a lot of us would enjoy if they are not already living there.\
I know... don't feed the trolls....
My condolences.
I can see moving to Bells Beach, Australia to become a full time surfer, but then again, surfing is the source and nothing else matters.
We are talking about skydiving here, and DZs. Surely youre not going to give it all up for that? Get serious, what are you trying to do, make yourselves miserable or just bore yourselves to death? Youre beginning to worry me. Go get a surfboard, Im going out next weekend.
quade 4
QuoteWake up, make coffee, take a shower, ect. That takes 1 and half hours. Then the drive out there. Im not driving out there half awake and then jumping out of an airplane in cold air.
An hour and a half to screw around before you're ready to drive out? What are ya . . . part girl?

It takes 30 minutes sheets to streets even if I'm comatose.
The World's Most Boring Skydiver
Jessica 0
DivinDon 0
thats all for this one Thanx Quade needed a laugh
Living on the DZ was one of the most fun things I ever did. Of course it depends on which DZ you choose and the people who jump there. Last summer I lived at Skydive Chicago in a big trailer on a beautiful wooded campground and I met some of the coolest, nicest people and had some of the best times of my life. I also now enjoy staying with all my drop zone friends on the weekends at my current home DZ, Skydive Monterey Bay. I recommend living at the DZ to anyone who has the opportunity even if just for one summer in your lifetime. We had bon fires, parties, went on canoe rides, swimming in the pond at night, made good friends, had good times, cook-outs, stayed up playing drinking games and cards went on outings, etc. All this with the people you get to jump out of airplanes with and bond with in the sky. In my opinion, life just doesn't get much better than that!!!
Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
It sounds like you need to move to Oahu where you can get the best of both worlds. I lived on N. Shore of Oahu for a few years where I learned to surf and there are 3 DZs 20 minutes away. My other passion is SCUBA diving and you can do all three right there, although Australia especially Bells Beach couldn't be too bad a place either ... hmmmm
Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
Spy38W 0
Hook high, flare on time
stylin 1
QuoteLiving on the DZ was one of the most fun things I ever did. Of course it depends on which DZ you choose and the people who jump there. Last summer I lived at Skydive Chicago in a big trailer on a beautiful wooded campground and I met some of the coolest, nicest people and had some of the best times of my life. I also now enjoy staying with all my drop zone friends on the weekends at my current home DZ, Skydive Monterey Bay. I recommend living at the DZ to anyone who has the opportunity even if just for one summer in your lifetime. We had bon fires, parties, went on canoe rides, swimming in the pond at night, made good friends, had good times, cook-outs, stayed up playing drinking games and cards went on outings, etc. All this with the people you get to jump out of airplanes with and bond with in the sky. In my opinion, life just doesn't get much better than that!!!
Man, I dont know. Maybe its just me, but this sounds pretty weird. Most people dont understand why Im fanatic about surfing and think Im a little crazy, but they just dont understand it. Its an aquired taste and you just dont start liking it right away, it just takes a hell of a lot of work, I can remember those days, and why I wanted to keep doing it after getting curled under too many times.
Still, surfing is a lot more popular, so why is that? Its pretty dangerous in most places, so you can compare.
Kris 0
QuoteTroll, troll, troll your boat...
Gently down the net...
Besides, sufring & rugby is for guys too afraid to commit to skydiving. Not enough chance for massive internal injury in either one for my taste.

Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™
DivinDon 0
it sounds like we live in the same world of whuffos just different sports
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