
What not to wear

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Now that our DZ and others include free-fly in the student program (our AFP is now 18 jumps with one JM on each one; it was 15 when I did it), that velcro riser cover stuff had to be sidelined. When I was head down last year and my riser cover had cracked, it was most unnerving to see the toggle floating in the wind in free-fall. Grabbed the risers later and fixed it.

Tuck flaps for bridles are also a great idea, since they are a better safeguard against the thing coming out prematurely. Some free-flyers also prefer soft reserve handles because they are afraid of someone/something catching on a D handle.
I don't drink during the day, so I don't know what it is about this airline. I keep falling out the door of the plane.

Harry, FB #4143

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