Mixoligist 0 #1 February 19, 2003 I got pulled over on the way to the DZ this morning for not coming to a complete stop. Officer was very nice, and I explained my rush to get in the air. He let me go and told me to have fun and wear my helmet......this got me thinking the rest of the drive......How many of you have been stopped for speeding on route to your DZ? How many have been stopped for speeding on the way home? I know the speed limit seems slow after free-flying so I've been pulled over on the way home also. "Wow ,I was doin 80 mph.......sure felt slower than that officer" Just curious about the excuses that have been used. Blue skies Bob.................................. Better you than me .................................. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #2 February 19, 2003 Got pulled over once on the way. I go slow on the way home since I usually have a brew or two after the last load."I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverdriver 6 #3 February 19, 2003 Got pulled over going to a DZ to apply for a flying job. Sucked. Got to the DZ and the DZO was a prick. Didn't work for him. Went down the road closer to home and made my very first jump that day. So all in all the day worked out great!Chris Schindler www.diverdriver.com ATP/D-19012 FB #4125 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #4 February 19, 2003 Been pulled over twice. Not smart for us to even mention skydiving. Once beat it cause the cop didnt show , once my gf bargained it down to a broken speedo. Nothing for them to do up there. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Slowfaller 0 #5 February 19, 2003 I was with a friend who was pulled over while we were going to the DZ. He never mentioned where we were going and was ticketed(sp?). Bummer Had to go to court an hour and a half away from his house. Chris --"Someday you will die and somehow somethings going to steal your carbon" -MM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skybytch 273 #6 February 19, 2003 Got stuck in a sobriety check point on the way home from the dz one evening. We'd been doing tandems all day and for once had left the dz before drinking any beers, so we both still had that "I did a few jumps today and the adrenaline hasn't quite worn off yet" look. Cop asked if we'd been drinking, we said no but we would be as soon as we got home. He looked at us kinda funny... so we explained what we'd been doing all day. He thought that was pretty cool, told us to have a nice night and away we went. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Deuce 1 #7 February 19, 2003 Once, on the way to Davis for a freefly camp. Whoa! I just remembered! After Eloy, me and my family are driving to Vegas after stopping in Sedona. They are stopping and searching all traffic before is crosses the Hoover dam. OK, so if you've ever seen my gearbox, it's this huge wheeled pelican case, a big black plastic composite footlocker. It's got nine latches on it and it holds my rigs and photo gear. OK so it's sitting in the bed of my truck, my kids are in the back seat watching Lilo and Stitch or something, I pull over for a very nice clean cut young rent-a-trooper. I've also got this big plastic Yakima case on the roof. He swaggers up to the door, the kids look up, startled. "Where you headed?" "Vegas" "What you got in the big case?" "Skydiving equipment" "" "Uh, you want to see?" "Uh, nuh-uh. OK, go ahead. Along.Th..." And off I went. I just love that answer! "What's that?" "Sport parachute rig" "Duh-errrrr" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indyz 1 #8 February 19, 2003 I got in a nasty car accident on the way home from Sky Knights last summer. Because of the seriousness of the accident, the cops were going to make me go to the station and take a BAC test, but once they found out I had been skydiving, I didn't have to. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rdutch 0 #9 February 20, 2003 National's in Arizona everyone on my team but me got stopped. Can you believe the road to the dz is in the middle of nowhere, but has a 25mph speed limit. And the cops sit behing big cotton piles, sad thing is we were following about 15 cars and we were the last in line. Luckily one of my teammates (Glen Melendez) was a police officer from florida, so they let us go. Funniest thing was Glen was driving, and I had long hair, earring's and a goatee, and they were stopping suspected drug runner's and thought cause he was cuban that he looked suspicios and stopped us, it turned out funny when he showed his badge, he never stopped blaming me. Ray Small and fast what every girl dreams of! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lolie 0 #10 February 20, 2003 I did on the way home after my very first tandem last summer. edited to say, no, I didn't get a ticket... -Miranda you shall above all things be glad and young / For if you're young,whatever life you wear it will become you;and if you are glad / whatever's living will yourself become. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
quade 4 #11 February 20, 2003 Stay OFF of SHEDD Rd. That would be a 55 mph road in California. It's a speed trap.quade - The World's Most Boring Skydiver Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakous 0 #12 February 20, 2003 Yup, sure have. It was my last ticket in fact, I am suprised I haven't gotten more on the way down. I tried to convince the cop to come jump. Thinking that might help my cause with just a warning. To no avail though, he said " I have seen too many accident's because of it...it's too dangerous! I think I made matters worse. What's worse is this dumbass did a 3-point turn in the middle of a 2-lane road to get me... Yea, like that's not stupid... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freakflyer9999 1 #13 February 20, 2003 Yep, got one for 80 something in the wonderful state of Missouri on my way to Quincy 97. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eyeinthesky 0 #14 February 20, 2003 no, but im surprised i havent yet. with the excitement and eagerness to get to the dz, i usually fly out there. imusually slower on the way home though. lucky so far i guess doughey, i was stupid before stupid was cool! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Auryn 0 #15 February 20, 2003 Got pulled over on the way to the DZ at 3:30 AM.. that's right kids.. a cop had a speed trap set up that damn early in the am.. I didn't even think to tell him where I was going.. the ticket was for 21 over the limit right after a change from 55 to 35.. sucked big time. Blue Ones ! Bryan Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #16 February 20, 2003 Got my first ticket last week... not going to the DZ though. Illegal left turn. So annoying... 2 other people made the same turn I did while the cop was writing my ticket. After he told me it was a $70 ticket, I mentioned that fact to him. He said "have you ever gone fishing?... you can't catch them all." That just pissed me off. I'm taking a transportation engineering class now. The professor mentioned he has a friend in transportation that was pulled over for some kind of illegal turn or something. He went to court with a book of standards for intersection markings, and said that the sign he didn't follow wasn't placed at the standard location, yada yada, and got off. I'd love to try something like that but I don't wanna have to borrow a tie for court. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zenister 0 #17 February 20, 2003 dont wear one then..if you've got a convincing argument it will make little difference... i've gotten out of several tickets in the last 5 years by taking the radar gun to court..in all cases the officers were using it out side of its operating parameters (range, resolution, weather restrictions etc..) but occasionally your going to get caught if you bend the rules to much..a 3 way i was on once all landed out by Shed rd while a cop was giving a guy a ticket...i dont think he realized there was a DZ that close (?!?!) because he kinda freaked out when we landed.. ____________________________________ Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ouroboros 0 #18 February 20, 2003 had a female friend following me out to Skydive Chicago. we were in traffic, all going around 50ish, on I-80 when the cars ahead of me started swerveing (sp?). when it got to be my turn, i see one of those huge orange cones in the middle of the lane. i whoop and grin and slide around it. i look in the rear view, and see dana (female friend) doing the donut spining out of control behind me. maybe she was afraid of huge orange cones. hard to say. i pulled over, and when she caught up, she was so full of addrenaline, it was weird. she made her first tandem that day. she said after being in an accident like that, jumping from a plane just made sense. ouroboros Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nacmacfeegle 0 #19 February 20, 2003 "Just curious about the excuses that have been used" I'm not speeding, I'm just flying low........Bumper sticker used by camera flier (Eeeezeee) at Spaceland.-------------------- He who receives an idea from me, receives instruction himself without lessening mine; as he who lights his taper at mine, receives light without darkening me. Thomas Jefferson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Danger 0 #20 February 20, 2003 Only once, but it was a big one. 135kph (85mph) in an 70kph (45mph) zone. It was heading to the DZ on a friday night hoping to catch the last load. Missed the load and got the ticket. Danger Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JeffGordon 0 #21 February 20, 2003 I drive through Cottageville to get to the dz. Cottageville has three streets and six cops. Most of the skydivers I know who have driven through there have gotten a ticket at one time or another. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skycop 0 #22 February 21, 2003 Yep, I've been stopped a couple of times on the way to the dz in the last 9 yrs. As the old commercial said, "Membership has it's privileges". "Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
airtwardo 7 #23 February 21, 2003 Got really nailed once years ago...going from San Diego to Elsinore on the 15. 6:30 am - and the only guy on the road...I was directed to secondary inspection at the 'beaner check' ...after over an hour...going through my gear to the point of turning my gloves inside out I was released... Seems I was "profiled" Someone told the border patrol dudes the those nasty skydivers ofter have DRUGS with them!!! Can you belive it?!First thing I did whenI got to Elsinore was pull all the SKYDIVING stickers off my ride! ~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Witold 0 #24 February 21, 2003 I often haul ass on my sportbike but I've only been stopped once and recieved a warning. (which is awesome considering the long list of infractions I got stopped for, including some "wreckless" violations) Witold www.witold.org Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodypilot90 0 #25 February 21, 2003 all ya got to do is live close enouph to walk to the dz Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites