nowseathis 0 #1 February 1, 2003 Dear Skydive Enthusiast: I’m a producer with the an internationally syndicated reality clip show called, “Now See This”. We are interested in acquiring dramatic, story driven footage that you or one of your friends may have shot! (No diving in cars please!) If you have or know of any good stories that might be good for our show...I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a e-mail and lets talk some more about your video! Best, Mike Burns Segment Producer Now See This Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #2 February 1, 2003 <<>>> using a Yahoo email address? Interesting.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jimbo 0 #3 February 1, 2003 Ya gotta give the guy some credit for actually taking the time to register instead of simply spamming rec.skydiving. Now, I'm curious, if the price is right will you offer your video of a GOOD skydive? RealTV has, in the past, broadcast footage of skydives gone right. What do you think? For whatever it's worth, I don't think that I have any video that _any_ television show would consider broadcasting, but I would like to hear what others think about the issue. - Jim"Like" - The modern day comma Good bye, my friends. You are missed. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JJohnson 0 #4 February 1, 2003 I think the story/video footage of the 300 way is more than worthy of a TV spot. JJJJ "Call me Darth Balls" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #5 February 1, 2003 I am also impressed at the length you've gone to. But I still haven't found the show. What channel can it be found on? Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Craig 0 #6 February 1, 2003 He has been soliciting the rec.skydiving group for years, formerly under "RealTv" and possibly another show. I hope this guy takes a hike and does not start this here. Also, I would not bother asking him questions in the forums since he probibally will not reply. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #7 February 1, 2003 If you go here There is no info in the profile. notice it's nowseathis, intstead of nowseethi I find nothing about the Nationally sindicated show.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
indyz 1 #8 February 1, 2003 QuoteI am also impressed at the length you've gone to. But I still haven't found the show. What channel can it be found on? Here's the Google cache of what might be show's home page: cache IMDB does not show a TV series named "Now See This." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hookitt 1 #9 February 1, 2003 I take that back... Advanced search shows this Edit...uh..indyz beat me to it. Edit again: I still haven't heard of this, It seems like a wanna be show that isn't yet. Maybe, maybe not. I have better things to do so I'm done with this thread.My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kinaa 0 #10 February 1, 2003 Quote But I still haven't found the show. What channel can it be found on? There is a couple videos of NST that was taken from tv on Edited to ad: Im full of shi* it. It is called "You gotta see this" Sorry. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loughery 0 #11 February 2, 2003 The company that produces the video "Now See This" can be found at If you goto the contact page there is a list of contacts and all their addresses are not I sent a copy of the post to Gary R Benz( President and CEO). TOTTOT To my wife: 'If you ask me to stop skydiving, you are asking me to move out!' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jimmytavino 16 #12 February 3, 2003 Let's be careful brothers, and sisters...... If we are recording " on the spot video " of so called " TV worthy footage"......Let's be real careful of letting it out of our hands,,,, Especially if it is of a sensitive nature... If we happen to record an accident or an injury or an "unusual" occurance,,,,, our first responsibility should be to our sport and to our friends,,,,, Not to some Middle man,,, who will take our work,,, ( for some unacceptable payment ) and then shop it around and make his livelihood off it...T V ?.... bullshit..... TV has done a terrible job over the years of portraying the sport we love,,, in a fair and accurate way,,,, I say we tell this lurker,,,,,,"the load is full! and Manifest is Closed!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #13 February 3, 2003 Mike Burns is a former (current?) producer of RealTV. I know people who have sent him tapes. He doesn't pay that well and the only videos that he accepts are ones that have malfunctions. He then uses a lot of misinformation and hype to sensationalize the tape. Unless you almost die in the tape, don't bother. He is using his spamming techniques again. Do a Google search for " 'Mike Burns' Realtv". He has spammed law enforcement, scuba, hang-gliding, skydiving, etc. "...we are looking for compelling video featuring hang gliders at play. " "Want to be on television? Dear Law Enforcement Officials: I'm a television producer in Hollywood ..." We are looking for police videos that feature high impact police action. (Pursuits - stings - drug stops - DUI's) I was the Law Enforcement Supervisor on Real TV for 3 years and can assure you I know how to treat police with respect and dignity" "Dear Health Care Professionals: The internationally syndicated TV show, REAL TV, is looking for interesting, dramatic surveillance and home videos portraying various sleeping disorders ..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Michele 1 #14 February 3, 2003 QuoteThe internationally syndicated TV show, REAL TV, is looking for interesting, dramatic surveillance and home videos portraying various sleeping disorders ..." Somehow, this strikes me as really funny... Ciels- Michele ~Do Angels keep the dreams we seek While our hearts lie bleeding?~ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #15 February 3, 2003 Quote Quote The internationally syndicated TV show, REAL TV, is looking for interesting, dramatic surveillance and home videos portraying various sleeping disorders ..." Somehow, this strikes me as really funny... Ciels- Michele Me too. I was sitting here trying to think of what the promo sound bite would be... "Now on RealTv, the new sport of Extreme Sleeping. See people toss and turn, sometimes rolling completely out of bed..." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,028 #16 February 3, 2003 >T V ?.... bullshit..... TV has done a terrible job over the years of > portraying the sport we love,,, in a fair and accurate way,,,, I say we > tell this lurker,,,,,,"the load is full! and Manifest is Closed!!! While that's usually true, not giving them good info/video will simply cause them to use the local A+P clerk for their information and a Milwaukee tourist with a video camera for video. There are TV shows out there that do an excellent job with skydiving (National Geographic comes to mind; CNN and Fox have done a good job in the past.) Rather than refusing to give out video to anyone, our sport will be better off if we give good companies good video and good information. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #17 February 3, 2003 "...our sport will be better off if we give good companies good video and good information. " I agree with this. However, Mike Burns is not one of these. He sensationalizes skydiving and makes the jumpers look like suicidal idiots. I generally refer tv people to the dzo when they ask me questions. That way they get the most accurate info. Most of the tv crews seem to be interested in filming an attractive girl putting on her gear anyway. Arch Deal jumps at Z-hills and has mucho contacts in the local tv/media. He has done an excellent job promoting a positive image of the sport. His appearances during sponsored events are also helpful. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pilotdave 0 #18 February 3, 2003 I agree that real tv has shown a lot of the bad stuff, but i've also seen good skydiving stuff on there (such as pond swooping where absolutely nothing went wrong). Skydivers are no different from anyone else. They like to see the malfunctions too. It's easy to say we want to see it to learn, but I think skydivers like to see that stuff for entertainment just as much. Now skydivers understand whats going on and realize that the narrator always makes things sound much more dramatic than they are. But the /cutaways/ folder on my site is the most popular section, and there are plenty of videos available for purchase that show the best of the worst. I've also heard real tv (no idea about this other crap that doesnt even seem to air in the US) pays quite well and treats people nicely that supply videos. I understand why skydivers dont like real TV, but i dont understand why so many seem threatened by it. We all know what the general public thinks about skydiving. Real TV doesn't hurt. People already think skydiving is far more dangerous than they even show on TV. And every once in a while real TV shows something positive about skydiving. Maybe a few people have made a tandem because of a cool clip they saw. Who knows. Maybe instead of complaining about the videos they show, skydivers should send in their positive videos. Interesting, fun, or special jumps. If they actually refuse all of that, then fine, they're only after gore. But until someone proves to me that they are ONLY looking for the injuries and malfunctions, I'll just go on assuming thats mostly what they show cause thats mostly what they receive. Dave Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Snowflake 0 #19 February 3, 2003 QuoteMike Burns is a former (current?) producer of RealTV. I know people who have sent him tapes. He doesn't pay that well and the only videos that he accepts are ones that have malfunctions. He then uses a lot of misinformation and hype to sensationalize the tape. Unless you almost die in the tape, don't bother Now I don't watch the show that often, but today the skydiving they featured was all footage from goodstuff. They were showing the camera thats mounted to a helicoptor to get some of those awesome shots. There was no mention of death or any sensationalisim during the peice. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
loughery 0 #20 February 4, 2003 Any Publicity is better than none! TOTTOT To my wife: 'If you ask me to stop skydiving, you are asking me to move out!' Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
happythoughts 0 #21 February 4, 2003 I talked to 4 skydivers who have submitted pieces. I didn't inquire, but one told me that he was only paid $500 for video of a spinning canopy that he rode in. His comment, "I got paid $500 and I nearly died. What do you have to do for the big money?" The general consensus among the people was that he was not interested in skydiving video unless it was a malfunction of some type. By sensationalism, I mean "...he's at 600 ft, only seconds from death..." while looking at clouds below the jumper on the video. That is an obvious misrepresentation of the situation from a show that I watched. I can understand using Joe Jennings video. I own a copy of Good Stuff. It is excellent and contains unusual material. However, he's not your general skdiving population video guy. I've also seen them use parts of a convention video. If someone wants to submit a video, I hope they get a fair price for it. My opinion of the show still stands though. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites