
Very lucky am I!! (Re-posted in incidents)

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"I re-posted this in the incidents forum. Sorry guys!"

Last Saturday I was very lucky. I intended to do a 180 degree left front riser hook turn in our main landing area. I made the mistake of setting up over top of a van and I slammed on the afterburners in my front risers. My Stiletto 150 dove like a motha. More than it ever has before. I quickly realised that I might hit the top of the van and I bent my legs at the knees. I proceeded to watch my legs nearly miss the van and that was the last thought that went through my head for a while. I hit the ground left knee first and then transfered all of my weight to my face. My ring sight on my camera popped the lense out of my goggles and the lense and goggles cut up my face pretty bad. Because I had the nylon screwed for my ringsight it snapped right off. 15 minutes later I woke up as I was being put on a backboard to be taken to the hospital. I was in more pain than ever. I snapped my femur in half, cracked my pelvies in two places, and had 6 stitches on my face. Ouch!

I know what I did wrong. I fixated on the van and didn't flare. No-one saw it directly. but some people thought that due to my speed and angle of impact that I was dead. Not so. I feel very lucky that I got off with only these few injuries. Let me know what you think.

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