
USPA Election Results

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2003-2004 USPA Board Elected (01/06/03)

The following candidates were elected for National Director: Glenn Bangs, John DeSantis, Larry Hill, Jan Meyer, Mike Mullins, Madolyn Murdock, Danny Page, and BJ Worth.

The following Regional Directors were elected:

Central - Gary Peek
Eastern - Mike Perry
Gulf - Don Ellisor
Mid-Atlantic -Tony Thacker
Mid-Eastern - Sherry Butcher
Mountain - DJan Stewart
North Central - John Goswitz
Northeast - Marylou Laughlin
Northwest - Jessie Farrington
Pacific - Jess Rodriguez
Southeast - Richard Schachner
Southern - Larry Stapleton
Southwest - Lee Schlichtemeier
Western - Scott Smith

quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The BOD seems to be close to the make up of the last one with Jan taking Rogers spot.

Am I right in thinking Danny is a new face also from the last term?

Congrats should go out to our own DJan and Gary Peek.
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And tomorrow is a mystery


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. . . with Jan taking Rogers spot.

The best part about that is that Jan has absolutely NO financial interests specific to a DZ. Sure, she runs a couple of little skydiving interests and web sites, but there isn't going to be any hijacking of Nationals because of Jan.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Danny used to be on the BOD's. He didn't get elected last election.


Danny also took a prop strike from his own C-182 not long ago. He jumped with me at Raeford for QUITE some time before he left the service as an E-6 Airforce Combat Controller, yet he could not remember me when we were both at the last WFFC at Quincy, IL. I am not sure he is "all there". Just my opinion.


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Danny used to be on the BOD's. He didn't get elected last election.


Danny also took a prop strike from his own C-182 not long ago. He jumped with me at Raeford for QUITE some time before he left the service as an E-6 Airforce Combat Controller, yet he could not remember me when we were both at the last WFFC at Quincy, IL. I am not sure he is "all there". Just my opinion.


:D:SI'm not sure if he was all there before the prop strike. :D
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Congrats to all who were elected, especially Deland's own Richard Schachner, a write-in who unseated incumbent Barry Chase.

Sorry to see that Winsor didn't get in. Dang.

OH yea, way to go Djan, as well.

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Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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Especially Madolyn Murdock and Don Ellisor! Both fine people.

I agree with the Don part, I do not agree with the madolyn part, since she stated to our face that there is nothing the USPA can do to inforce BSRs :(
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Southeast - Richard Schachner

Woohoo! The southeast should be represented very well. Richard cares very much about the sport and the people in it. He was the very first guy to invite me on a dive when I arrived in Deland not knowing a single person. He still hasn't forgiven me from switching from RW to freeflying though. :)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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. . . there is nothing the USPA can do to inforce BSRs.

Depends on which BSRs you're talking about. A good portion of the BSRs are actually just parroting what the FAA says. I'm thinking it's pretty easy to deal with those particular BSR violations.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Depends on which BSRs you're talking about. A good portion of the BSRs are actually just parroting what the FAA says. I'm thinking it's pretty easy to deal with those particular BSR violations.

She is referring to a non-rated AFFI taking AFF students, on video. Madolyn's response to being informed of this was, "What do you want me to do, take away a rating he doesn't have?". I have met another until recently regional director that took the same attitude.


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. . . with Jan taking Rogers spot.

The best part about that is that Jan has absolutely NO financial interests specific to a DZ. Sure, she runs a couple of little skydiving interests and web sites, but there isn't going to be any hijacking of Nationals because of Jan.

Who hijacked Nationals, Paul?

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>She is referring to a non-rated AFFI taking AFF students, on video.

Legally, there is nothing she can do that will prevent him from doing it again. She could pull his USPA license, but that does not make it illegal in the eyes of the government to take students up.

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Legally, there is nothing she can do that will prevent him from doing it again. She could pull his USPA license, but that does not make it illegal in the eyes of the government to take students up.

True, the FAA doesn't care if Instructors have a USPA rating or not. But if the USPa doesn't care, doesn't pull membership or do anything, why get a rating, unless the DZO requires it? Kind of de-values the rating.


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hans and andrea weren't elected.

I'm sure it was a tight race with my 2 votes from you and Galen. :P Thanks for being my campaign manager, Stacy. Maybe we can get up to 5 votes next time! :ph34r:
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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>But if the USPa doesn't care, doesn't pull membership or do
>anything, why get a rating, unless the DZO requires it?

I would have gotten my AFF-JM rating even if my DZO didn't require it. I learned a lot and it made me a better instructor. But in the end the only people who can really regulate skydiving are the DZO's, which is one reason I worry about separating them from USPA. USPA would then become a club with no power to enforce anything - or even suggest anything. The 'DZO association' would effectively control most of skydiving - setting the rules, the limits and the standards.

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