
Conditions at Perris???

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In the dictionary, under irony . . .
So, um, how's that new jumpsuit workin' out?

EXACTLY!! I'm an English teacher, I'm trying to teach you all irony. Now that would be verbal irony. Although some would label it outright sarcasm, as I knew I was saying something ironic, it can't be ironic.

I knew YOU would catch that, Quade. And my jumpsuit got all scrubbed up and it looks just like new, thank you! :)
We were never feeling bored because we were never being boring.
-Zelda Fitzgerald

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I didn't think anyone was even going to be there tomorrow, I don't think they'll be waiting around for people. I don't know, I won't be there, I'll be with my family here at home. But have fun if you do jump!
We were never feeling bored because we were never being boring.
-Zelda Fitzgerald

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The conditions over last weekend left the grass area the place of desired landing. By Sunday afternoon it was dry enough. Just don't try and land anywhere else if you want to be dry.

Be safe, though, for having your gear a bit muddy is better than an injury. Ask quade about the first time I remember seeing him oh so many years ago! It starts with...there he was with brand new gear on a wet and soggy weekend (El Nino') day...;)

Man, I wish I had a camera that day!B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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Man, I wish I had a camera that day!

Lori -- you don't need to document my failures. You don't have that much film and you're not going to be invited to some of the more embarrassing ones.

It's not so important that anyone makes a mistake. What is important is that they learn from it and don't continue to repeat the same mistake over and over.

For the record, yes, I've landed on my ass a few times. The most spectacular of which occured on May 15, 1999 and was my 115th skydive.

The entry in my logbook reads;

It had rained the day before and the accuracy pea pit -used- to be right next to the swoop pond. I guess the rain had made the area near the peas pretty muddy and I was too stupid to actually walk out to the landing area before jumping to check it out.

In case you ever run into a similar situation (covered from head to toe with mud), just let everything completely dry, then attempt to flake off as much as you can with your hands. After that, you can try brushing off the rest with something that has fairly soft bristles. This worked pretty well for my rig. As for my jumpsuit, I just tossed that into the washing machine (after the brushing step) and it cleaned up like nothing had ever happened.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver


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Jack updated PerrisCam tonight and said that he'd be there running manifest if enough people showed up. Wonder who's lucky enough to be piloting?

Actually, we had a blast on Xmas Day. Rob was the pilot, I did the manifesting and loading. Turns out we have a BUNCH of crazy skydivers that figure that skydiving on Xmas is the PERFECT way to celebrate! We did 6 loads, starting about 10:30 and ran until 4:00. For a picture of some of the knuckleheads check out:


Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I wish I was there. I've been there the past two years at Christmas, but couldn't make it this year. Does anyone reconize the old guy in the front row of Jack's picture. I'm sure I've jumped with him, but can't recall his name. Steve1


Actually, the old guy was the one taking the picture. If you mean the young guy that is second from the right in the bottom row, that's Terry Sullivan.

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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I had the pleasure of making a couple of jumps with Terry two or three weeks ago, great guy! In fact I have made 15 jumps over three days this month at perris and I gotta tell ya... I have met so many cool people, everyone has been very helpful and friendly.
Perris is a great place to jump!

Happy New Year! everybodyB|

Just havin fun!

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Hey Paul

I was a Perris last Easter and was doing a RW dive in the early morning. I came in for a swoopy landing on the grass with my Stletto 120 and at the last minute my jumpsuit booties got a little slick and my feet slipped out from under me and I slid a little bit on my ass. Didn't get any stains on the rig at all but I laughed my ass off about it cause it happened so suddenly.


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Yes, Perris does get a little muddy, it is very flat and is basically a flood plain. I was just there fri the 27th and I saw more than one person wearing a bit of mud! One guy had gone face first in a brand new ff suit, chest down mud!![:/]
But, no worries, there are washing machines right there and he borrowed another suit from square1 and didn't miss a load!! how cool is that:ph34r::ph34r:!!
I was very lucky and didn't get any mudB|B| on me fri. but I did tear my jumpsuit[:/], oh well, its all good!
Happy Happy New Year!!:)

Just havin fun!

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