
female teams?

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Well the Female team in Zhills.

I told them they should name themselves

"Hot Lesbo Action"

Think about it....

They could sell shirts that say "I support Hot Lesbo Action"

The Drop Zone could have adds that say "Come see Hot Lesbo Action this weekend"

The place would be packed!

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Well...We had some interesting suggestions for a team name that didn't pan out:

Arizona Estrogen (I think it has a nice ring to it...)

Climax (Come....jump with us! :ph34r:)

The Cunning Stunts (think about it)

We decided that those didn't project the kick-ass attitude we have...we want to be taken seriously!

Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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You know I've been wanting to start an all female team for awhile. Basically, so I don't to have to contort to do a side body anymore. :P

My biggest problem is the lack of girls in the area. I can only think of a handful and none of them would do it because they are either on a team with their boyfriends or actively looking for boyfriends which means team training would interfere. [:/]

Fly it like you stole it!

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The Cunning Stunts (think about it)


i can just hear Sam calling that one at manifest, imagine the disruption in the packing area as everyone fell over...;)
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the Chuting Stars.

They jumped into the Reno Air Races in '87. Me and my b/f were intrigued. So it's partly their fault that I started jumping. B|

One of the chuting stars landed flat on the tarmac infront of me at our airshow (flared late)- ...if you promote the sport- do it with talent and class.


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4NB out of Sebastion. I think a 11.6 in 98 in OPEN.

Syncronicity won the World Meet with a 15.7
This years team is already very close to that level, and they have only 40 jumps.

VMAX a 15 AVG team any day of the week.

The Female Norgie team did a 14+.

I know there are more, but I am at "Work"


The French have a team this year.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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