
Please help me understand this atuitude and behavior for I cannot!

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A very close friend to me was trying to get all of his requirements signed off for his c license. When the owner/instructor of the dz we frequent saw his log book he made several small comments about the accuracy of what was in it, No big deal my friend thought even though he was a little disturbed about this mistrust. By the way no one has ever had any reason to mistrust this person he is the straightest arrow I know. The owner signed off on the list and my friend went on his way. The next time my friend was in the dz the owners wife made several very mean comments toward him she had said something about his magical 4 way that took place at another dz. My friend then asked her if he needed to get all of the people in that four way to sign it off. She wasn't even phased by this and said no they both went on there ways. Previous to all of this about by a month he was in a 8 way at this very small dz so I cant understand why she and her husband thought he would bs it just to get a license. Is this just a very bad case of jealousy? I am new to all of this but it seems to me like a very good way to lose good business. I might be wrong. Please feel free to correct me.
Anyway thank to all of you out there that have been a great source of information and entertainment in my short time in this sport. There are some very good people in this sport but when I run across people such as this it is very disturbing to me. We all share something very special and in common with each other I don't know why people seem to forget this.

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IMHO, if the guy going for the license was fibbing on his log book, it'll catch up to him someday when he gets cut from a big way (or worse, get hurt) because he'd padded his skills in a log book. doesn't sound that way tho. as for the DZO, they don't see every jump everyone makes and can't verify everything that happens. maybe he just hasn't seen this particular jumper excel, and was in a little disbelief. Jumps are signed by a witness, so if the jumper ought to log the right stuff, the signer ought to be able and verify what he wrote, and the DZO ought to believe what he sees in a log book. but that's not always the case...


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What do you mean??? Isnt the skydiving community all 1 big happy familly??? (yes, that was sarcasm! lol)

Mayve the DZO and his wife were in a bad mood that day.

Maybe that friend of urs flirted with the wrong person.

Maybe he's not cool enough.

Maybe he's too cool.

There can be lots of politics and personal agendas in DZs, maybe it was the 1st time it hit home for you and ur friend... sad but true...

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There can be lots of politics and personal agendas in DZs, maybe it was the 1st time it hit home for you and ur friend... sad but true...

I guess i was dreaming in a very big way about all of the people in this sport. I thought of it like our own personal heaven sort of. There are some really awesome people in skydiving. So anyone want to sell me a bridge? It seems like I would buy it!! Thanks for your incite I was a little to angry to realize the obvious.

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What do you mean??? Isnt the skydiving community all 1 big happy familly???

If you replace happy with disfunctional I think you've hit the nail on the head. :P

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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I guess i was dreaming in a very big way about all of the people in this sport. I thought of it like our own personal heaven sort of. There are some really awesome people in skydiving. So anyone want to sell me a bridge? It seems like I would buy it!! Thanks for your incite I was a little to angry to realize the obvious.

Tell me about it, my old home DZ is now my backup DZ. It used to be so, relaxing and easy going, but now its just feels stiff. No one sticks around after dark, everyone shows up at 9 and a load wont go up till 11. If you dont like the feel, there are other great places to go. I drive 2 hours to 'feel' good about the place I jump.
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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I've seen plenty of log "inflation" over the years. One guy routinely "made" 1000 jumps in a couple of weeks. Depended on who he was trying to impress. As an S&TA I've been presented with logs that were laughable. Best case, all the accuracy in the same pen, different from the various pens used to log the jumps. He was then mad when "peas" weren't good enough. The pea pit is 15 yards wide. Same guy made sure of the version # of the C test I had when he called to set up the appointment, then hit the roof when he found out he had to take A through C to get his C as his first license. He'd obviously memorized the C test answers for that version. He was jumping mainly at another DZ, we all knew his skill level when he left. I told him not to come back to me for a D, to get it at his home DZ.

I know the DZ owner. He's got a pretty good BS meter. No jealousy involved. I don't know who the jumper was but the doubt was probably deserved.
I'm old for my age.
Terry Urban

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Two things
1. Thank you for responding to this posting. Thank you for sharing your experience on this matter. I'm sure plenty of forgery goes on out there. In my opinion those who need to do such a thing are jumping for all of the wrong reasons.

2. I strongly disagree with your blind statement of " I don't know who the jumper was but the doubt was probably deserved." The jumper in question isn't gaining anything except a c and what does that really mean to most part time jumpers? All it meant is he would have to right the uspa another check!

Please don't get mad with me disagreeing. It isn't my intention. In retrospect i probably shouldn't have started this thread. I fear that some will take this personal now but its already in motion!

Please also lets make the dz remain unnamed this shouldn't be a slam session for a dz.

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