
Season Jump Pass

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I've heard through the grapevine that there's during the European summer, there's a season pass available in Sweden and apparently costs US$1800 for the entire summer. The problem is that I'm really keen but don't know which dropzone is promoting the pass. Does anyone out there know? :)

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I understand that Sweden is the cheapest place on earth to skydive during the summer. One of my friends told me he was averaging $5 per jump last summer. I think they do it with coops and clubs and such.
Any Swedes want to let us in on the secret?
-- Tom Aiello


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Really?!! I always thought that Europe or all parts as being expensive to skydive.. man that sounds like a great two or three week holiday during the summer..
Has anyone ever been over there for that part of the year.. Are they DZ turbine DZ's.. Big DZ's? or what..

I have seen alot of video of big and fun DZ's in Norway.. Would they be similar to those types of places during the summer?...

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I understand that Sweden is the cheapest place on earth to skydive during the summer. One of my friends told me he was averaging $5 per jump last summer.

I can't imagine how that's possible unless he was averaging in free jumps as a L/O or something.

Or maybe they don't take the aircraft to full altitude. Maybe that's it, they charge $5 to get on the plane and you jump out while it's still parked.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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I know of some one here in the States that worked out a deal where they plunked down a new rigs worth of cash plus some and got a GREAT deal on jump tickets... My talking with this person we averaged about 6-7 per jump from 10k or 13k.

Plunking down $2000 at a weekend 182/206 DZ that you can only jump 6-7 months a year, and then its 182 or 206 jumps means you might not make that many jumps unless the DZ was slow then you could make every load. I've heard things like this are a gamble for both the jumper and the DZO. If the weather is good and there are not many other jumpers around its great for the jumper, but the DZO does'nt make a profit. If the weather is bad, the jumper is injured or there are lots of people filling up loads its great for the DZO since they already have your money, but bad for the jumper. You pays your money and takes your chances...
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I do know that at my DZ here in the US offered $14 jumps all year if you put down $1400. That covers your first 100 jumps, then you contiune to have $14 jumps the rest of the season. Could not pass that one up..

BTW it was SDC
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I was in Sweden last summer, the weather was perfect and we were jumping out of a AN-28(nice climb rate, small tailgate, 20 plus jumpers) The spots were great and I was charged 10 bucks a jump because I was not a member of the club. I dont know what it costs to be in the club. They let me do
AFF thereand accepted my USPA credentials.
This was at Skydive Stockholm about an hour North of Stockholm. The DZ was friendly and everyone spoke English which makes it easy for a moron like me.
I would say that the level of skydivers there was also very good. Nice bunkhouses and a communal(spelling) kitchen. I would go back in a heartbeat.
Good luck hoped that helps,

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