
A.F.F. Instructor Rating Course, Lake Wales

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Join the fun! Register for the AFFIRC at Florida Skydiving Center/ Skydive Lake Wales from the 12th through the 20th of April. For information, visit: http://www.uncledons.org

Clear Skies,
Don Yahrling
Course Director for this one.

Time's running out! Plenty of slots available.

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Sorry for the delay in replying, John. According to the statistics presented by USPA at the AFF Course Director Standardization Meeting on February 1st, the success rate has increased from 53% in 2000 (221 Candidates), to 71% in 2001(255 Candidates), then 85% in 2002 (244). Best wishes for your course.
Clear Skies,

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I am not convinced that the reported increase in the success rate represents an increase in the completion rate per course. USPA reports pass and fail, but not incompletes, and the statistics are meaningless without all three numbers.
You'd like to know if you are going to pass, so 85% sounds pretty good. But suppose USPA ignores incompletes, and imagine there's a course like this:
-- 10 folks in class on the first day,
-- 5 of the 10 earn a rating,
-- 1 person fails,
-- the other 4 take incompletes.
I hope USPA would report this as 83% pass (5 of 6), not 50% pass (5 of 10). Otherwise, an 85% pass rate means nearly everybody makes it, and the more likely explanation for that is lowered standards, not improved preparation.
So do 8 or 9 out of every 10 candidates in class the first day leave with a rating a week later? I don't think so. My observation in a number of courses over the past year is that the average completion rate in any one course is around 50%. There are ways to improve your odds, but that's a different thread.
BTW, the format of practice jumps followed by pass/fail evaluation jumps encourages marginal candidates to take incompletes. Unless a candidate has made an evaluation jump, there is virtually no penalty. The previous system of collecting points on each jump, with points carried over in case of an incomplete, meant there was no advantage to continuing in another course, and so no point in taking an incomplete if you were in trouble. I'd like to know if the incomplete percentage has gone up, down, or stayed about the same over the period covering the change in evaluation systems.

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