
AFF help! - stopping a(n unwanted) turn?

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Hey all, today I did my AFF release dive in which both my instructors released. All of my jumps thusfar have been applauded - except this one. I seemed to raise (or pull back) my right shoulder when I do my practice pulls, and start turning left-hard. My JMs said I am bending sideways too to to the right to get at my hackey. I feel myself rolling over a bit on deployment to the left but just "pull through it", commit, and throw the pilot chute. All good then...

SO, I get down, and I am reluctantly passed to "one JM" for the next jump, which I planned for another day. I slap down some more $, not satisfied, and get back in the plane. This would count as the next level if I can maintain a solid straight heading. Well, turns out I just need to relax and let the air blow by me instead of trying to balance on a beach ball, or ride ON the air, and I was straight! I looked back to see my (now only) JM off to my main side back about 5-8 feet (wow that seemed far!). I felt awesome going down, but turns out on review I am "sliding" sideways to the left (no yaw). My JM was happy I cured the rotation, was more stable on the practice pulls, and saw no problem with the slight slide to the side. My JM I had today is just the best I could ask for, and we reviewed a lot of things, but I am just curious if there are any other JMs or students out there who have seen/experienced the same, and anything you might share from them. I am excited to learn about anything that could help me progress! I DO tend to get too darn uptight and not relax, thats why I think the second jump was so much better... any relaxation tips for the ride up?

(Kudos btw to Mike my JM. I had a such a great day.)

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First of all, talk to your instructors, they will help solve your problem.

Second. RELAX AND ARCH! That will solve a LOT of problems. Breath, that'll help you relax.

If all of that isn't working, do some ground drill with one of your instructors, maybe your feet or arms aren't symetrical, BUT do the first thing first and be damned sure to do the second.:)
Good luck!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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We had a student this weekend who had the same unwanted turn problem. At first I thought it was the ol dipping the shoulder problem, but when we reviewed the video, we saw that he was using his legs to try to "regain his balance." This is a natural reaction since we all use our legs to balance ourselves normally. Toe taps can help here. If all else fails you can learn leg turns. Some people just have happy legs, and if your legs are going to move anyway, might as well make them do the right thing.

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Dude, I feel for you. The last few jumps I have made have alternated between spinning and potato chipping or just spinning. One video shows that I clearly have the arch of a sheet of plywood. I have been told to relax, relax, RELAX!. I believe I am sufficiently relaxed. I am working on stretching so that a good arch is easier to do. The kicker is at deploy time I can stop all unstableness just long enough to deploy safely. Practice will make perfect

but, but, he's a giant chicken!

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Exactly the same advide I got to solve any instability problems: relax...

Like that's easy to learn.
However, it does work.

Now, when I do a backward exit and want to come stable again, I arch, smile and relax and I turn rightaway. Super!

Do one thing every day that scares you - Baz Luhrman: The Sunscreen Song

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unintentional turn cost me three rejumps. then - on the third one - my JM decided to just let me dive out and find him in front of me and to focus on him. that stabilized my turns to nil. problem solved. but thats just my experience.

don't stress yourself - you'll make it. if i could do it you will too

The universal aptitude for ineptitude makes any human accomplishment an incredible miracle

dudeist skydiver # 666

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the whole damn relax thing is sucha kicker... ;)

I used to spin like a bl**dy helicopter on my AFF... My instructor used to pull faces at me in freefall; nothing like a good giggle to chill you out!

Good luck, and don't stress about passing the level, the money or anything else. Just remember to enjoy every jump!


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Hey! Well Done!;)
i read the whole thing... i did level 4 for 4 (?!) times beacuse of those mad spins. i wans't stable till the time a jumped all alone (i even took the solo dive for trying level 7 again but it didn't work). i was stable and heading just on that time i leaved the plane all alone (i think it was my 12th jump). as u wrote here - now u have other thing to learn, and me too. i got my A lisence last week - but i did it just on my 30 jump (i have just one DZ in here and o'm not going to go abroad now - so i really didn't need it nor need it now yet). at my 26-27 jumps i was with a group of 3 of a 4 RW team - they just asked who want to jump with them and learn about the base and skills of RW. ofcourse i came (and i was the only one! so they jumped with me twice! :)!
and it was free too (they r not instructors - just good people) so it was like a jump with instructor - but not! ha ha ha!
you can't imagine what things you can learn just from flying with other people around you - although it's 'just' belly dive! and from their video too!
it was really cool. now i'm tring to find someone in my level (30jumps) to start jump and work with him....
on that lisence jump last week i saw myself in the video 'moving aside' in front of the JM before i was stable in front of him. but i think it's just a minor thing which we can easily get rid of - if we need at all...

good luck to you - try to find someone who can jump with you - and you'll learn a lot...
blue skies,

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I had the same problem. I realised it wasnt my arms / shoulders but my legs. Try some heel kicks to make sure your legs are the same level. Sorted me right out!

I still always turn left after a dive exit for some reason....

"Ive given up on sigs cos I make a mess of them!"

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