
Drive to Lost Prairie?

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I have a tentative notion to drive from the east coast to Lost Prairie, MT for their boogie, 19-28 July. Anyone interested in a road trip? I live in Charleston, SC.

My dates are flexible. I will consider your car or my car. If we drive yours I will contribute generously to expenses (for gas, etc, but I won't fix your car if it breaks).

-- Jeff
My Skydiving History

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Lost Prairie isn't a Boogie. Its a life altering experience. One I hope to experience this summer.

--->>Boobs.....Beer......a couple of skydives here and there......yup.......altered my perception of a boogie......all others pale in comparison!!!!......well maybe not WFFC........okokok........KDFC is about a tie........well......so is freedom jam..........HMMMM..... all boogies are a blast, just some of them are a bit more informal like Lost prairie. Its definately something you have to check out!!!


They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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Hey Roy I mentioned to BOB about trying to get a group together and either fly the C206 or Twin-Bo to the Boogie. It will cost an extra couple of bucks but it will save us an 8 hour drive.

Hey maybe you can talk my Bob into taking the 182 or 206 up there also....then I wouldn't have to drive 20 hrs. :P:D
Fly it like you stole it!

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8 hours is nothing! It's about 18 hours from here in Denver. Although, that is nothing compared to the time it took to drive from Lost Prairie to Rantoul last year. I think I lost track of how long we were on the road somewhere in South Dakota...

I need to become buddies with a guy on our airport that just flew from Denver to Kalispell in about 3 hours. I don't know what kind of plane it is, but it's a low-wing single engine aerobatics plane that is pretty long. I think he said his cruising speed was around 280 knots..must be nice!
"I don't know where it is that I'm going, but wherever it is there I'll be!" --quoted by me

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Hey Roy I mentioned to BOB about trying to get a group together and either fly the C206 or Twin-Bo to the Boogie. It will cost an extra couple of bucks but it will save us an 8 hour drive.

---> that would be great, but he has been saying that for several years now......and I am not sure how the t-bone would handle the unpaved strip.....plus I hate to be stranded there, and maybe want to go swimming at mcgreggor lake, or hit a off dz tavern "or 2" I will probably take the motorhome this year if my new job allows me the time off.....
plus, I am getting old, and a comfortable bed with a heater is just the ticket!!! and it usually does get very cold at night.

They say I suffer from insanity.... But I actually enjoy it.

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I was talking to one of the guys from work who jumped at Lost Prarie a couple years ago and it sounds like a really good time....

I looked up thier website... and its happening again this year so I think I need to go to my first boogie in 23 years.

So I have talked myself into reserving one of my weeks of vacation to head that way. I normally jump at Snohomish WA ( Just N of Seattle) and am going to hop right on US Hwy2 and head east.. Maybe even stop a couple places along the way (Davenport WA) Are there any others not out of the way headed to Kalispell MT????


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what?? does everyone here got a Bob

i got one too at my dz.. don't think we'll beable to talk him into taking his plane though.... we'd have to take the whole dz to get him to fly the dc-3 there..... and his cesna 310 just isn't big enough to fit jumpers and gear in....

"i have no reader's digest version"

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