
Have you ever been injured while skydiving?

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I'm wondering how common injuries in skydiving are.. I think I already know the answer to that, but I'm curious as to everyone's experiences in this area.

Obviously this includes injuries caused by/on aircraft, during freefall, or during landing. It should not include drunken incidents after the beer light is on. ;)
7CP#1 | BTR#2 | Payaso en fuego Rodriguez
"I want hot chicks in my boobies!"- McBeth

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knocking on wood ...

To date, my only skydiving injury has been a sore slightly bruised left heal after running out a faster than normal landing a few months ago. And every once in a while, it will remind me that it's not 100% healed.

back to my regular scheduled programming of continuing to knock on wood ...

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Had a canopy collapse while turning into the wind (from approx 120ft AGL) in an off-DZ landing in "MARGINAL" wind conditions in the 1st place (back on jump #87). Okay, so I "buried" a toggle too... but that is another story;)

Compression fractures to all 5 of my lower lumbar (L1-L5) vertabrae was the result. 1/2 an inch in height shorter later, very VALUABLE LESSONS LEARNED for sure. Partially why you see me on here jumping into the incidents forum more than anywhere else now adays -especially when off DZ landings &/or high wind decisions & "get-back-itis" issues are present. Best to learn WITHOUT my injuries if you all can!
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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I had a broken tibula or fibula...
Ive hurt my tail-bone twice, that was hurting long.

I was told that there are 3 kind of skydiver:
1. who had a broken foot
2. having a broken foot
3 . ................ (take a wild guess)

"No pain, no game" from my karate master

Safe landings

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Fractured Ankle, LOTS of cuts and bruises (swooping is painful), if not for a helmet a broken jaw thanks to Vallerina, probally a few fractured ribs if I had'nt mastered the hit and roll PLF.
Yesterday is history
And tomorrow is a mystery


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I sprained my ankle pretty good when I was learning to flare my newish ZP canopy. Flared a little late and folded it under, but stood up the landing. Nobody noticed, but I am still getting over the injury after 4 months.

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2nd level AFF, lost radio contact & forgot to flair till about 3 ft off the ground :S shattered my pinky on a CORN STALK...
3 screws & a plate in my pinky finger [:/] - dumbass.

never forgot to flair after that.

There is no can't. Only lack of knowledge or fear. Only you can fix your fear.

PMS #227 (just like the TV show)

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What? No option for Broken Bones but skipped the hospital?? B|

I compression fractured a thoracic vertebra, but only went to the walk-in clinic 4 days later for an x-ray and more Vicadin. I'm an inch shorter now, but that's OK 6'2" is still tall enough.

It was a downwind landing in a frozen, plowed field.

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Starting at the top and working down:
left eye frozen/scratched with ice HALO
broke both collar bones
face gouged falling through tree
Broken back
cracked left wrist 2
smashed right wrist 1
broke left ankle
broke left foot 5 bones
massive bruising/front center to back center on right side/including right arm
Bill Cole D-41

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Six weeks ago tomorrow I broke my fib and tib :(on my 3rd AFF jump. 9 pins and one plate. I let go of my flare and hit hard. (Twat). Won't do that again.

Mind you, i did almost the exact injury to my left ankle, falling of a step whilst drunk a few years back. Now I have a great set of matching scars on both ankles! Chicks dig scars:)

"This isn't an iron lung, people. You can actually disconnect and not die." -Dave

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On jump #99 i front risered an ESPRIT 120 into the ground and fractured my lower 3 lumbars also fractured my ankle and got a shiny new stainless steel plate, 8 screws and a pin, 2 mos. later i made my recovery jump and got my pie WOO HOO! Since then i have broken my big toe 3 or 4 times but that was my fault for trying to be B| and not not wearing shoes.


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Grazed/brused knee after flaring low - due to forgetting i had surfboard on my feet (surf jump 2 or 3) and needed to kick it off! Have since realised my legs and arms can work independant of each other so if you are very very clever (!!!) you can kick + flare at the same time.

Adi :S

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Yes!!! I landed when an "expert" skydiver from rear (note he had +2000 jumps) made a 180 hook turn without watch to ground and he hit my face. I survived but... surgery to nose and ocular arched. 60 days of prognoses due an idiot.

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