
Gay Gatherings

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Does anyone know of any upcoming gay get-togethers. It would be nice to meet some talented, gay skydivers, as I want to get a sense of who the people are in my skydiving community.

If no one knows of any parties or functions, but there is interest in attending, we need to plan something to get acquainted. Any thoughts out there?

Bry from AZ

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There aren't a whole lot of us outspoken enough to chat about it online. I bet some quick organizing could get a small gay-way together for WFFC though. It might just be 4 or 5 people, but next year I bet it would grow.

First Class Citizen Twice Over

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Any of you who dont know about the group we have on Yahoo.com, check it out. We have gay skydivers all over the world putting their issues down on the site, chat and plan events when we are ready.
the group is under rainbowskydivers, and if you want to get any informations, just send us mail to rainbowskydivers@yahoogroups.com, or just log on yahoo and join the group right away. I think there is time now to let our light shine in our community.

For upcoming events, I Have about 400 jumps and about 3 hours in the windtunnel, I mostly do RW and I would love to get to gether and jump, 4-??? ways, so please let me know when something happends

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Skymonkey, Thank you for your admin assistance in keeping the forums respectful;
Friends, or not ( that's ok), I know this is an old thread BUT there are no other legit GLBT threads under Events;

This Labor Day weekend will be another GLBT gathering and record jump and event at Skydive Chicago (Ottawa IL). The event was hosted by Skydive Cross Keys (THANK YOU), and is moved (only) at the request of the participants, not for anything that has happened at the DZ.

rainbowskydive.com is the site, with updated info, so those who are interested in finding similar minded friends will connect. It is not a dating site in any form but our skydivers 'family' site to allow our close friends an ability to find each other. We do have strait ally's and many open minded friends who can defend everyone's position, in the group.

Finally, I hope this can be taken as it is intended which is information. It is not to sway anyone's opinion but to let a community that I proudly participate in know about another community that exists. I am a skydiver, I am not an admin in either DZ or RbSd and post this as a friend.

Your understanding is gratefully appreciated. -Robert-
Anyone can swim, only a few swim well.
Anyone can skydive, everyone can skydive well. Practice!

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