
Cessna 100 Ways - Planes needed!!!

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If you have a Cessna available for hire in January, we need you in Z-Hills with a pilot.

Need to know all the basic info, N-number, what you want $$ wise, how many it carry, (plan on 12500' attempts), ferry, slots, etc, and get that info with your contact info to Lance Aikins aikins01@aol.com or call 360-893-5321

We need 27 airplanes total, the event is a go so far and we have many lined up.

TK Hayes
Skydive City

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27 Cessnas flying in formation . . . :S

TK how about asking the guys about their experience flying formation loads! As a jumper I'd be scared shitless that one of these guys came from a single-Cessna DZ.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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A bit about the history: HERE.

There was a formation of multiple Cessna's (back in the '80's I believe). Alot was learned from those skydiving attempts.

Looking for that web page now. It also was in WA.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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I have no issue with 27 Cessnas flying in formation from a conceptual point of view, but finding 27 Cessna pilots that can fly the formation will be "interesting".

It needs to be a fairly close formation otherwise it's just not going to come together. Close formation flying takes discipline, which the pilots may all have and skills they may all not have.

I mean, how often do 27 Cessnas fly in formation together?

Like I said, it'll be "interesting".
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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So, perhaps these Cessna pilots will convene a week ahead of time and build their formations from 2 to 4 to 8....etc, in prep for the skydivers who'll be flying with them.

Yeah, it WILL be interesting. (I'm still looking for that web page...they were just getting the hang of flying in close enough formation when the record attempt days ran out).

Are -you- interested in piloting one of the planes?


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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