
B-17 Jumps @ Pepperell - Sept 22-23

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Yes, that’s right a B-17 bomber! Skydive Pepperell is making arrangements for jumpers to jump this special aircraft on September 22 and 23rd. 9 jumpers per load to whatever altitude the plane can get in 15 minutes.

Load 1 is already manifesting. If you want to participate you must reserve your slot on the plane. The price of your jump must be paid up front and there will be no refunds if you back out. If the jumps are canceled for weather or airplane problems you will get a full refund. The price is $400 per person. Skydive Pepperell is not charging anything above what the plane’s owners are charging for you to jump this classic of aviation history.

“The Flying Fortess is a 4 engine US bomber used in WWII. It carried at least two pilots, one navigator, six gunners, one bombardier, and a radioman. It dropped bombs via a bomb bay just aft of the cockpit.”

We will be exiting from the bomb bay. Climb down until you get one foot on rails on either side of the bay, and then pull your feet together and drop straight down with your arms crossed.

As you can well imagine this is a very rare opportunity. We will be using the same one that they had at WWFC last year. To find out what it is like by reading this article on dropzone.com about the B-17 at Quincy: http://www.dropzone.com/columns/B17atQuincy.shtml

To reserve a slot please e-mail me. Your name will be added to the list. We need at least one load to make this happen. The price of your slot is due within 1 week of the time you reserve it – no exceptions – slots are strictly FIRST COME FIRST SERVED. Cash or checks only. If you must use a credit card you will be charged the credit card surcharge of 3% that we pay to process them.

Skydive Pepperell

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Some more info:

The B17 will be loading and launching out of Boire Field (ASH) in Nashua, NH which is approx 7-8 miles northwest of the DZ. Landings will be at the DZ in Massachusetts.

As for altitude...the operator's said that "whatever altitude the plane can get to in 15 mins" is where the jumps will be. How high that is, I couldn't tell you.

The $400 jump price is a FULLY TAX DEDUCTIBLE donation to the Collings Foundation (the owner/operator of the plane). These jumps are being
offered AT COST...Pepperell is not making any money whatsoever on the jumps. They had the chance to offer these unique jumps...so they're
doing it. Kudos to Fran & Paula for arranging this!

I've heard that the the plane costs $5000 per hour to operate, which explains the high cost of the ticket.

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We will be exiting from the bomb bay. Climb down until you get one foot on rails on either side of the bay, and then pull your feet together and drop straight down with your arms crossed.

must be real fun to drop like a bomb...
hope you don't explode on impact...
I wish I could come...
Fumer tue, péter pue
ourson #10, Mosquito Uno, CBT 579

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Skydive Pepperell is not charging anything above what the plane’s owners are charging for you

Why do I find this hard to believe? The article that was posted here (http://www.dropzone.com/columns/B17atQuincy.shtml) has the price listed as $350 at the convention (I would think they would take more advantage of people going to Quincy, ready to spend money).

And on top of that is there a registration fee? (I have jumped there in the past and things like extra fees seem to pop up once you are there)

Also, is this a definate? or are they waiting to see if they get enough people signed up first? (Nothing is posted on their website about it)

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Believe it! There is NO registration fee, and the last time I looked Load 3 was full and Load 4 was manifesting...that's 27+ people and counting.

The $400 ticket price is what the Collings Foundation set to cover their expenses. A B-17 is hugely expensive to fly, on the order of $4000-$5000 per hour.

The cost has most likely gone up since that article was written, and it also depends on where they got the plane.

Bottom line is..you get to jump out of a piece of history. No hidden fees, costs, extras, whatever. The price is what it is.


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400$ per jumper is a fair price for the B-17. Recently the CAF was charging 350$ to go for a ride in their B-24 and it was a cargo version that could hold more people. Overall the B-17 is a little smaller, so less people will fit and the Collins Foundation has taken care to restore their planes excellently. Enjoy the jump.B|

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