
PPC 50th anniversary boogie

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Hi all

Just a bit of a teaser. Our club Pietermaritzburg Parachute Club will be turning 50 next year! We've been operating continuously, off the same property since 1953, but the first jump was in 1954, so we will be celebrating throughout 2004.

If there are any old PPC members out there reading this, please keep Easter 2004 free - we'll be having a kick-ass boogie.

Details to follow, but if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Blue ones


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Hi all

Well, the PPC 50th anniversary boogie is definitely on from the 8th to the 12th of April 2004, and it has been sanctioned by PASA, so will definitely be happening.
I'm not going to jump the gun and advertise aircraft, events etc, until they have been absolutely confirmed, but if you have any questions at all, please feel free to PM me. It would be fantastic to have ex-PPC members from around the world at the boogie.


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Our club Pietermaritzburg Parachute Club will be turning 50 next year! We've been operating continuously, off the same property since 1953, but the first jump was in 1954, so we will be celebrating throughout 2004.

As far as I recall, Pietermaritzburg (Oribi) was the venue for the very first sport parachute jump/s in SA. Hope you have a super boogie!

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Hiya Girl:P

If your boogies are anything like the awesome time we had this weekend, count us in!!!

:ph34r: We will bring some girl back up for ya, as them boyz don't know how ta treat a manifest vleis:P

"Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's
addressed to someone else!" Ivern Ball

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Come give us a tease, what planes might be there?

Need to start rounding up the troops from the Dal to make the Gr8 Trek al over again.
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian."

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As promised ... here are a few more details ;)

Celebrating our 50th anniversary, running from Thursday 8 April to Monday 12 April 2004.

We are wanting to put together a big way for this occasion, a 50 way to celebrate 50 years. If you are keen to do this, please watch this space and we will give further details shortly. The load organiser will be Chris Dales who, as you know, is a very experienced skydiver with much large fs experience. If you have at least 300 jumps, a few larger formations under the belt and are keen to be part of this awesome event, please join us.

Confirmed aircraft - Porter, King Air, and the larger aircraft for the big way will be tailgate, exact details TBA. Also watch out for the possibility of a few novelty aircraft.
Camping and Bunkhouse available, Hotels and B+B's within 10 minutes of airfield. Awesome parties, good music, great pub, nice grub.

Minimum requirements - A licence and own gear.

Start preparing for this now!
More details to follow....


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