
Dave Brown Hybrid/Coaching Weekend. Jumptown MA

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Dave Brown will be coming to Jumptown Friday afternoon, September 5th, Saturday, September 6th and Sunday, September 7th . Dave will be doing individual and group coaching on Friday afternoon.

The price for individual coaching will be $45 plus your slot. If you want to divide that between 2 or 3 people the price goes down accordingly. Please contact Diane Pond ponddiane@hotmail.com if you want individual coaching so he is not overbooked for the weekend.

Friday night at 7:00 PM Dave will hold a seminar on Hybrid dives, etc. The price will be $10 per person.

Saturday will be dedicated to doing safe, fun hybrid dives. The price will be $5 per person for each hybrid dive you are on with Dave. You can't beat the price for the quality instruction. If you ever want to do hybrid dives, this is one of the people you should be learning from.

On Sunday Dave will divide the day between hybrid dives and coaching - he is there to help you out so you just have to let him know what you are looking for.

Take advantage of Dave's skills. He is an awesome coach.

Hope to see you there.

Blue skies
Performance Designs Factory Team

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