
A license ?????

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This might sound like a stupid question to some of you but what do I need to do to get my A license.
I have asked around my DZ on what the requierments to get my A license are and the answers I got were all very vague, like it was no big deal or something. Here is the thing: I have gone through the static line course and I never jumped with an instructor. The only jump I made with someone coming close to an instructor is my graduation dive (8th jump) with a video guy who said “if you screw up you are on you own”…>:(
After that jump, no one at my DZ mentioned anything about getting my A license and no one seem to be too concerned about the fact that I don’t have a license. I have now 32 jumps and at the rate I am going I can see myslef getting to a 100 really soon and still have no A license or any clue what needs to be done to get one. Does this story sounds familiar to anyone? Or am I just the only guy out there fun jumping with no license? You input is really appreciated.

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Thanks for the link quade, that looks like exactly what I am looking for...
You know I don't think anyone is trying to keep it secret for me but no one really explained the steps to get one... Oh by the way I jump in Lodi CA. I have never gone to any other DZ'z since I don't have my A license yet...

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I just started packing my own parachute about 5 jumps ago. The instruction I got was from a cool enough packer that took the time to show me how to pack my Tria 150 because I tipped him pretty well. I got about 30 minutes of instructions and after that I packed myself. No need to tell you I was a little apprensive of the openings... So Far all openings but one were good.
Packing did not seem to be part of the student course [:/]

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Did they give you a *form* that the instructor is supposed to fill out?? Unless the rules have changed since I got my A license (a large 6 months ago), this form has to be sent/faxed to the USPA. When the USPA receives this form, filled out correctly, they send you your A license. You should get this form and have it filled out NOW, not later. Something might happen (i don't know what, but maybe an instructor moves out of town etc., etc.,) and nobody that knows what you did in your lessons will remember. O, by the way, this form has each step listed, and what is required in each step. When you have all of these steps complete (signed by the proper people), guess what, you have a temporary A license.

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>Did they give you a *form* that the instructor is supposed to fill
> out?? Unless the rules have changed since I got my A license (a
> large 6 months ago), this form has to be sent/faxed to the USPA.

Note that Lodi is not a USPA drop zone, and may not use that form (or any USPA forms/licenses/instructor ratings for that matter.)

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[QUOTE]Note that Lodi is not a USPA drop zone, and may not use that form (or any USPA forms/licenses/instructor ratings for that matter.)[/QUOTE]

Is it common for non USPA DZs to not at least offer A license proficiency cards?

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Ok bill, i guess i can understand that. How does a person get a license then?? or can't they?? If they do not have to have instructor ratings, how would a new person know that they are qualified?? What questions could a person ask to find out if they are qualified if they don't have a rating?? This is kind of interesting to me, since i didn't realize that this could happen!!!:o:o I guess i'm glad that i went to a USPA dropzone!!

Can this person ever jump at a USPA dropzone then??

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>How does a person get a license then??

Same way anyone does. Get the form; you can get it from the USPA web site if you can't find it at the DZ. Fill it out. Get an instructor/coach to sign it off. All the jumps can be done at Lodi, you just have to make sure the people doing the signoffs are USPA rated.

>What questions could a person ask to find out if they are qualified if they don't have a rating??

"How many jumps do you have?"
"Did you get training on breakoff procedures?"
"Have you ever done a 2-way?"

etc etc. With an A license, of course, you don't have to ask as many questions (although it's never a bad idea.)

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Here is the thing: I have gone through the static line course and I never jumped with an instructor.

Ok, this is the part that scares me.. Did they teach you anything like freefall manuvers, stability recovery, tracking, anything like that? If not, you're going to have a hard time getting the A-card signed off and will probably have to do (at least) some coach jumps with a USPA instructor.
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No I have never jumped with an " instructor". Like I said the closest to an instructor that I ever jump with was a camera guy during my graduation dive. (poised exit, stable belly free fall, waive off at 4500 opening) I did receive some ground instructions on stability recovery and turns... But the first time I went deliberetly unstable or tried these maneuvre, no one was around.
luckily I have done about ten 2 ways with different people and I have my log book filled and signed with various maneuvres. Someone told me that it should be enough to fill the profieciency card...[:/]

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