
Keep your helmet on!

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When you land, keep your helmet on until you have crossed the beer line, or all the other jumpers have landed. Someday someone will eventually hit you.

Also dropzones should considder to make swoop lanes. An area where all the swoopers can land, and everybody else know they should keep out of.

A little safer than having all the people swoop the beer line.

Just my safety tip of the day.;)

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When you land, keep your helmet on until you have crossed the beer line, or all the other jumpers have landed. Someday someone will eventually hit you.....;)

and look up to the sky when you walk to see others landing :P

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If my full face helmet fogs over after landing it is safer for me to take it off so that I can look around for other landing canopies while I walk back to the packing area. Once of prevention.......pound of cure.
Chris Schindler
FB #4125

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Disagree. Not only does having a full face ONCE LANDED potentially limit your periferal vision, it most definitely limits your HEARING as well!

Simply look where you are going. Keeping your head on a swivel does not (or should not) stop until you are safely back inside the packing hangar.

My .02 on this one.
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>When you land, keep your helmet on until you have crossed the
> beer line, or all the other jumpers have landed. Someday someone
> will eventually hit you.

Having my helmet off makes me better able to see, hear and avoid others who are landing. 3300 jumps and so far no one's hit me, although a few have tried and a few have snagged my canopy. I've avoided collisions primarily by seeing/hearing them and getting out of the way.

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It's the first thing I take off right after I land. I can hear better, but that's not even the point. The only reason I wear one to begin with is to keep my damn hair from turning into a ball of knots (if only I could shave my head...just for a day).

Besides, I think that's like telling a person they have to have safety gear on before crossing a street.

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That sounds like a good idea, but for me I can barely hear a thing under my helmet and if someone is yelling "get out of the way, dumbass" I probably won't hear them.

Not only that, but I think prevention and awareness are two things that are going to keep you alive and well more than anything. I recommend just keeping your head on swivel and be aware of other jumpers in the air as you are walking back.

Or, as I do sometimes, is just gather up my canopy and wait until everyone, or all the non-students land and then walk back. It's only about 1 minute or so of waiting, plus the visuals of people swooping/landing are better than watching from the hangar. ;)

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Beavis: Yeah! Yeah! Cool!
bellyflier on the dz.com hybrid record jump

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>When you land, keep your helmet on until you have crossed the
> beer line, or all the other jumpers have landed. Someday someone
> will eventually hit you.

Having my helmet off makes me better able to see, hear and avoid others who are landing. 3300 jumps and so far no one's hit me, although a few have tried and a few have snagged my canopy. I've avoided collisions primarily by seeing/hearing them and getting out of the way.

and the majority of skydiving helmets wont do much to help you from that kind of impact anyway...
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The only reason I wear one to begin with is to keep my damn hair from turning into a ball of knots (if only I could shave my head...just for a day).

I jump without a helmet quite a bit. When my hair is braided it doesn't get all knotted up.


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i LOVE the idea of the swoop lanes mind....

but i see the only flaw being wind direction.. is it something you'd put out before a lift ?... maybe swoopers should ensure they get out first?

i'm new to all this but if there was any way of making such an exiting thing to do safer i'd be all for it. as i intend to start doing that at some point..

great idea.. certainly something that could be looked into deeper..!
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Wind direction is probably a bit less important to swoopers. Also swoop ponds dont get turned before each load.

Since some swoopers come in at about the same speed as the planes i fly, i say use the friggin runway.

And when it gets so bad that i start wearing football pads in case i get tackled after landing by a swooper, i'm quitting the sport! :)

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With all them tiny canopies and seeing everyone heading for the same target, I would think that it would be a good idea to leave your helmet on until you get pack to the packing area! ;)

I like my big canopy, I like coming down last :P


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Low man has right of way.
On ground is low man.
If you cannot control your canopy to avoid hitting someone, land somewhere else.

Ill preface with I am new, but from what I read is there not a point at which you just can't turn anymore or your going to hurt yourself...

I would think then that you wouldn't be responsible for the people that are not paying attention to where they are walking?
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Swooping is taking one last poke at the bear before escaping it's cave - davelepka

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> but from what I read is there not a point at which you just can't turn
>anymore or your going to hurt yourself...

You can flat turn at 50 feet and land safely. You can flare turn even after you have started to flare. If you can't do these things, it is a _very_ good idea to learn how to do them before you need them. They could save your life when a jumper with a fullface helmet walks in front of you one day, and can't hear you yelling because he's wearing his helmet.

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Ill preface with I am new, but from what I read is there not a point at which you just can't turn anymore or your going to hurt yourself...

Even though you are new, you should be making decisions between 300-600 feet. If the DZ is crowded, make that decision then.


I would think then that you wouldn't be responsible for the people that are not paying attention to where they are walking?

You are responsible.

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