
Cross Keys Freeeezefest, 01/31 - 02/01! It's a different KIND of Boogie.

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dude where's my car man, this sh*t ain't funny man !

So my favourite quote from freeeeezefest 2004 had to be

"yo what do think this is quincy!"

shouted by some random dude as sickwill and I were "redecorating" the couches at the camp fire. I looked at my car and sat on my hot seat in the middle of the fire and thought............ just as sickwills leg caught fire

"quincy aint got shit on X- keys".

All the cool people that came to hang out we thank you, and look forward to seeing you all again ::::
memorial day & labour day are coming and I think someone is gonna sell me a boat real cheap !!!!!!!
whatever that means?

cya love sel.

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It was definitely a fun time!! I didn't get to jump but i was kept entertained by a bunch of people on the ground and by a ride on the chopper...I can't wait till i can jump there! And next time, Im definitely getiing there earlier!

It was great to meet so many cool people and finally put some faces to some names!! Especially Brandon, Dan, Matt, Lauren, Liz and Darren (although we didn't actually we never really met haha). And everyone else there too! The cross keys staff is great as well!!

Oh and Michelle, congrats again on your first chopper jump!! haha She was all smiles the next day, these pictures don't even begin to reflect how psyched she was after!


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yeah i would have to say that this freezfest was interesting to say the least...just look at the score board
Selwyn- 4 stitches in his face after almost removing his bottom lip
Me- numerous burns on left arm and back after incinerating an automobile 2 couches and enough fire wood to build a log cabin
fat boy- wins the alcoholympics and impresses the ladies with his projectile vomiting ability’s
heath- the only person at the event to get a car stuck in the snow
loud dan- found a place where it doesn’t matter how loud he is
uncle jimmy(DJ)- mouthiest dj on earth
chopper pilot- accidentally landing helicopter on the roof of a car
martin- supplying the dz with jonny walker just to get the party going
manifest-scoring big points for partying with everyone till 1 in the morning good girl liz
toast- 10 points just for being toast
pancake- hit n chug with a tandem...nice form buddy

i'd say we all did fairly well as we made plenty of skydives in the freezing f-ing cold and still had time to consume in all 2 kegs, 5 cases , and numerous bottles of various different liquors...it's Monday evening and i'm still hung over...i think that’s a good sign

let me know if i missed anyone...i am still piecing together what exactly happened

c ya
~~~i love this shit~~~

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hahaha, i think i have to agree with ya on that one! Lots of funky noises...and ya had to love the 4 additional locks on the automatically locking door...plus the "in case of fire rush to motel office for fire extinguishers" sign.:ph34r:

At least the room was big and not all that bad....


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You guys in PR should start prepping now. Get some junk cars ready and put them all around the DZ. This way, if anyone feels the urge to blow something up, the cars will be ready to go!

Other acceptable items to ignite or destroy:
Spray paint or primer cans
Motorcycle gas tanks
Oh, and hairspray makes for great flame throwers with a little modification.


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Next time, drive down about another mile and stay at the Red Carpet Inn. Ask for room 307, it's got 3 queen size bed, and enough floor space for 10 of your friends.

"Like" - The modern day comma
Good bye, my friends. You are missed.

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Next time, drive down about another mile and stay at the Red Carpet Inn. Ask for room 307, it's got 3 queen size bed, and enough floor space for 10 of your friends.

Just don't let them see you hauling air mattresses up the stairs. I don't think they liked that. :ph34r:


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I'm def thinking RV next time!!! They look so much better. And seriously, whats better then waking up and walking to the hanger......Any takers????:P

"There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." - Albert Einstein

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