
How to tell someone that they are downsizing too fast

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It looks like Jeremy created another user to to try to attack me. This time putting in some bogus name. Oh well one can only laugh such people with nothing better to do with their time.
If I could make a wish, I think I'd pass.
Can't think of anything I need
No cigarettes, no sleep, no light, no sound.
Nothing to eat, no books to read.

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Maybe, but her understanding of skydiving is still inferior to yours, I suspect, so her advice should not carry very much weight with you. More importantly, this is STILL the complete reverse of a situation where an expert skydiver who's been around a long time advocates for a WL BSR based on his or her experience, and the less experienced person doesn't see the need or is comfortable pushing the envelope.

There are plenty of other safety-related regulations that are meant to keep people from hurting themselves, based on the experience and observations of the people who campaigned for them. Maybe we should just let everyone do demos too - PRO or not. Good analogy?

This is not unfairly dictating allowable risk; it's using experience for its proper and morally correct purpose in a sport like this, which is keeping the newer participants alive until they reach the point where they actually DO know most of what they THOUGHT they knew earlier.

To say nothing of the fact that when someone dies, it is not just between us jumpers and it really does have implications for the future of the sport if people keep dying from one specific cause and we don't address it. But that's a different issue.


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Another point, if someone keeps downsizing, you'll probably notice that they are a poor canopy pilot. A good pilot will learn to tear shit up with any canopy, and after they have maxed it out, then they downsize. I have heard of one skydiver who was not allowed to compete at a swoopcompetition because he was considered dangerous to himself - that's not being rude or hateful, that's love!!! Still after this he continued to downsize( haveing poor skills still on bigger canopies) I have heard that his current wingloading is at 4.18 jumping a 50 something vx, but I don't believe it, nor would I want too if it was actually true

Hey Frenchguy...the other day your name was biffmanchew...and chuck deleted your thread cause you were talking shit about this guy....What makes you think nobody would notice your new screen name???


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It looks like Jeremy created another user to to try to attack me. This time putting in some bogus name. Oh well one can only laugh such people with nothing better to do with their time.

Yea, he couldn't be too obvious about it!!!>:(

Where's chuck?

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thank you, French Guy. And it is/was love that motivated me to try and discuss in a reasonable fashion with a fellow skydiver the pros and cons of downsizing beyond his/her skill level. I have done that and now must step back and watch....actually, I'm hoping I won't be witness to what I think is inevitable in this case.
Attitude is everything!

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