
TN Skydiving Center.. The BEECH Returns!!

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Tennessee Skydiving Center is happy to announce that Jim Baron and his Westwind Beech will be returning for the season on April 10! Its time for those of you who have been hiding all winter to come and get aired out. Come out and jump with us!

Beer, Burgers, and Crack Margaritas after the sunset load!


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Beer, Burgers, and Crack Margaritas after the sunset load!

Actually,I think it's gonna be one Kristi's pulled Boston Butts barbeque and the other Kristi's Crack Rum-aritas. Thinking something like a southern feed and carribean themed drink-athon.

Been years since the watertower BASE incident, maybe we could do something like that again. The watertower has been removed but we do have the beacon tower...


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Thinking something like a southern feed and carribean themed drink-athon.

Sounds good! I'll pick up some Red Stripe too! ( I have no idea what pulled boston butts is.. but your Kristi is a good cook so I'm not scared.)


The watertower has been removed but we do have the beacon tower...

I'll bring the camcorder. Somebody bring the shovel.

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Ok everyone, Chris has an announcement. But he's making me post it..

The good news/bad news:

Good news is the the PARTY is on for Saturday, no matter what the weather is doing or what plane(s) are flying (or not flying).

The other good news is that if the weather holds, we will still be jumping.

Is that cryptic enough for you?

Everyone show up.. Kristi M. did not stay up all night pulling a boston pork butt for nothing!

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