
Casa Boogie,Skydive Monroe,April 23-25

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Skydive Monroes Spring Casa Boogie is next weekend.Come join the the fun and help support Lisa and the Casa.It's not cheap to bring one of these to town.I know Guy Wright is organizing the Rw folks.You'll have to check SkydiveMonroe.com for other details.
I'm putting a call out to all the RoamingDZ members to come and help make this a big weekend.I'll be hauling the camper up Fri. afternoon so come early and enjoy some tunes and a bonfire on Fri.
The season opener for the G.S.L. will be on Sat. also.So come form a team.The meet should run fast out of the Casa.You can compete and still have plenty of time for more jumps.Any camera people out there looking for something to do we need your help this weekend.
RoamingDZ.com will be cooking Sat. night.The meal will be Ribs & Chicken and anything else y'all want to cook.Six bucks will cover the meal.WHAT A DEAL!!!By the way,if you don't eat meat,bring something.
The party and hangover will follow.And as a friend of mine says"That will be all".


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There will be NO SHOCKER JUMPS HERE!!!

Anyone interested in doing a tube jump??? :P

ok so my freind reid called me tonight telling me he is flying the casa at this boogie.... so i guess i will be there....

reid.... you better have the hair.!

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ok so my freind reid called me tonight telling me he is flying the casa at this boogie.... so i guess i will be there....

THAT'S RIGHT YOU BETTER BE THERE!!!! I was gonna kick your arse. :P

"Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value."

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See you Sat Chris.

Looking forward to getting some nice Freaky Flying going - should be fun with plenty of peeps! ;)

Blue skies
ps: Thanks for the lift. Car's running ok now, no more problems so far, but I'm still taking it to the dealer to have the fuel system checked out!
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Here's to a great injury-free weekend :D.

If you weren't there, you missed out. Flew 20 loads on Saturday. Great RW dives with Guy Wright. The local EMS got a workout when someone called 911 about a plane crash. I guess they got a little spooked when the sunset tracking dive landed about two miles out.

If you see Doke, congratulte him on his accuracy- he couldn't have aimed for that pickup any better. Glad he's OK- the side mirror took the brunt of it.

And you can change my login to 'GoLowDave'

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I had a great time Monroe. Thanks for making me feel so welcome. That sunset load is now one of my most memorable jumps.

I'll try to make it down again some time soon.

Till Then Peace,
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The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Hey Joe!!

My wife and I rode back with you after that load (I have the Nuclear yellow and purple colored jumpsuit :D) *cough*is that a beer undder your canopy or are you just happy to see me*cough B|.

Was great meeting you. I hope you come out to Skydive Atlanta sometime soon so we can hook up and work on that freeflying of yours ;)

Blue skies and stay safe.
Performance Designs Factory Team

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Looks like Roham got his wish...

his Endorphin Rush Girls are globally recognized now!

Way to go Roham!
Not sure how many dz's in Argentina will fly you out for your dubbing skills though!!!;):o

j/k bro...I'm sure they all had fun - they looked like it!

Kahurangi e Mahearangi,
Kiwi, RB #926, AFF-I, FAA Snr. Rigger, RN/BSN/Paramedic

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Yes...Ian...great to meet you. I'll probably always remember that jump. What fun. Yeah...i'll definitely try to come out to SD Atlanta...hopefully by then my FF skills will be up to speed to fly WITH someone.

Great meeting you. Keep in touch.

Mroblique if you have AIM.
The Best Band in the WORLD!!!
The new full length album "See What You Can Find"

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Well, I'll be working the Georgia Wings weekend in Lawenceville, Ga. so I won't be able to get to Monroe, but I'll hide a person or two in my hotel room (I think that it's pretty close to the DZ if someone needs a place to stay). The rent is-tell me about the great skydiving that happens while I'm tied up.
I am not the man. But the man knows my name...and he's worried

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