
Who Runs Perris Valley?

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I remember years ago hearing that Bill Jones and family were running the Perris Valley DZ. Do they still run it?

Who owns / runs Perris Valley DZ these days?

If that sounds out-of-touch, I aint even on the continent no mo.


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The Conasters (Sp?) own and run Perris Valley Skydiving - at least that is my understanding. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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Others answered your question.
Just wanted to add..
I was student when Jeff, Sherry, Shelley(?) was running the school. Jeff signed me off AFF.
I started as S/L, the ASL, then A3F, then finally AFF.
Steve Mack was manager, then came Don Balch.
Were your there at that time.1985, 86?

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Thanks for the reply.

No, I was a jump pilot at Antioch a couple years before that when Bill and the family came from Colorado and bought the operation from Perry Stevens. Flew for the Jonses for a while. Lost track of them and last I heard they went to Perris.

Anybody know where the Jonses are now? Still active? Kind of like to know what happened to them.



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Ben and Melanie Conatser


Technically, Pat and Melanie (brother and sister) own the operation, having bought it from their parents, Diane and Ben Conatser. Diane and Ben still own the airport and the facility, but Pat and Melanie own the skydiving operation.

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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This is off topic, but I have to say Jack, you are the nicest guy who has ever 86'd me from a DZ :)

Dude, are you at Perris this weekend? This is a story I gotta hear.

I got Burked once pretty good, I'm curious what it was like to get Gramley'd.

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Thanks for the spot, bud. What about Marty? He up there or doing his own thing somewhere else?

If you're talking about the Marty Jones (who used to be in Florida) I think you are, he's at the Air Force Academy coaching loopers and stompers.

Tim T.
Team Paraclete

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I got Burked once pretty good, I'm curious what it was like to get Gramley'd.

Bwahhhhhhh yeah you got Burked alright! I am fortunate to not have undergone being Burked or Gramley'd. I got General Patton'd once while with a certain camera flyer (It was his fault btw that we left the plane so late) and I am here to tell you...it wasn't purdy!

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This is off topic, but I have to say Jack, you are the nicest guy who has ever 86'd me from a DZ


Did I really? Forgive me if I don't remember the incident. I'll be at Perris this weekend. If you are there also, please say hi and refresh my memory. Hopefully I had a good reason, and whatever I did was appropriate. See you at Perris!

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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Oh I was definitely wrong and you were very profesional. You even complimented me on my "Jack, off to Perris" shirt as I was exiting the DZ.


Okay, now I KNOW I have to hear this story! I wish I could remember it, but I always tried to quickly forget stuff like that. There is NO worse job than having to tell a skydiver that they can't jump for some reason. I hated that part. How about letting me buy you a beer in the Bombshelter this weekend and we can chat about it?

Jack Gramley
Computer Consultant

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