
Another gear mistake caught in the plane

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Noticed a very experienced videographer with their RSL shackle attached to the harness-large 3 ring.

I know that it is likely that in a cutaway the riser would actually be able to clear this error (as shown by those who did some ground testing - an earlier post).

The videographer was using borrowed gear, and had noticed that the RSL was already disconnected for them, just hadn't paid attention to how the shackle was 'stowed'. Makes me wonder how many jumps were put on the rig like that. Of course a proper place to 'stow' the shackle is on the cable housing.

Speaking of cable housings, the other mistake I noticed, 20 years ago, on the ride up, was a housing routed through the large ring. This took a little longer to fix before jumping.

However, I don't like anyone opening any of my flaps unless I think I've done an unusual scrape/bump in the plane.
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"However, I don't like anyone opening any of my flaps unless I think I've done an unusual scrape/bump in the plane."

I otoh don't mind it at all because then they can check my reserve pin, my main pin and if my pilot chute has been cocked. Granted, I usually know the person (99 times out of a hundred) and trust that they know how to run my rig...

-- (N.DG) "If all else fails – at least try and look under control." --

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